Basic make-up sensitive skin


I do not know if you see a super big difference between the before and after pictures that I show in this post, or if it's just me who sees it clearly because I know how clearly it is visible in the makeup mirror.

But in the picture to the left, I think that my red-flaming skin (I am quite red in the middle of the face, especially around the nose) shines through the makeup a little too much. I had chosen to cover a little more there for a flawless result.

In the picture to the right, I am relatively happy with the coverage of the make-up, a little shading, highlighter and blush on it, so I'm ready later!


Do you know what the difference is? 10 minutes!

The only thing I have done is to apply a very thin layer of liquid foundation, and the left picture is taken immediately after application and the right one after ten minutes.

This is because we with sensitive skin flare up easily and turn red in the face when we touch the skin. Therefore, it is easy for us to over-make up and use much more basic make-up than we need, because you do not think that the redness goes away as soon as we stop putting on make-up.

I had not actually reflected on this myself until I started with skin care from Sanctum. Before, I was more or less red-flamed all the time, but it has subsided a lot since I started with natural skin care, now I have a much more even skin tone as long as I do not touch it.

And sometimes when I am unmade up and walk past a mirror, I can now wonder why I need so much basic makeup, I have hardly any pimples and the skin tone is relatively even. Then it struck me that the problem is of course that I have a lot more to cover when I touch the skin, and now I always take a break after applying the basic make-up to be able to decide if I need more coverage or not!

basic makeup-sensitive-skin

Close-up where you see the difference more clearly.

In other words, if you have the same problem as me, do not waste basic make-up and do not cover your fine skin unnecessarily, start putting on make-up 10 minutes earlier and take a break and your foundation will last twice as long and your basic make-up will be much more natural!

Hugs are 


    • Yes, this applies to basically all foundations, as it is your skin that changes after 10 minutes and not your foundation. But this does not apply to all skin types, not everyone gets red in the face as soon as they touch the skin. Hug!

  1. Hahah yes there you got the answer! Says as above..JUST a little more… ^^ Tested a green concealer to soften the red and then it got better! :)

  2. That's exactly how it is for me too! Therefore, I usually get a cakey result of eg mineral makeup. Baaaraaa liiite to… ;-) Maybe a neutralizing primer can work?

    • Lol! Yes, usually I use a green concealer on red areas, the problem in this case is that the red disappears quite quickly, and then a green concealer can look green for real because there is nothing red that neutralizes away that, and besides, you put on a little make-up unnecessarily then :)

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