It was a while ago now that Lynn dyed my hair a little more coppery before the autumn, and those copper pigments have dropped almost completely, not least now that my hair has been bleached in Cape Verde.
Read my post about the last hairdresser visit here if you do not remember what it looked like then! :)
And as I mentioned earlier in some post, I had anxiety about whether I would do something with my hair or not, simply because in such cases I did not know what to do. But I was tired of my rat-colored outgrowth (which in itself blends incredibly well into my hair color now if you compare with before when I was bright blonde, incredibly beautiful!) And also my blonde tops were quite tired and had no nice shade anymore .
So yesterday I went to Creative Zone (in my opinion one of the best hair salons in Uppsala, everyone is so talented!) and asked Lynn to just freshen up her hair a little!
Here is the result:
First and foremost, Lynn has cut off worn tops and added a finer color to the scalp.
Then she did a cleanse on the tops to see if it was enough to get a nice shade or if she had to add some more color. I am bleached blonde "under the hair color" so instead of bleaching as usual, you can instead do a cleansing, and often you get a nice light shade without it wears as much on the hair as a normal bleaching.
However, my hair did not work together as planned, and I LOVE having an honest hairdresser at the point who immediately says "this did not turn out fine" and makes something nice out of it instead. No one can know exactly how a hair reacts to different treatments, especially not mine which is completely bleached, but a good hairdresser can solve the problem and Lynn is cruel! :)
So she put on a color that made the tops blend in better with the rest of the hair, and it turned out great! The tops are still quite a lot lighter than my scalp if you compare, but the path between is so soft that you do not see where it gets brighter and brighter.
The color of the lengths she has not touched at all I think, ie the middle of the hair. But everything looks much fresher with a nice bottom and tops! :)
If any of you are curious about exactly what Lynn has used for colors, just ask, she wrote everything down for me so I have it on a small note!
And I just have to say, god what I hate the pre-pictures when you have been to the hairdresser haha, not only that you go there for a reason with outgrown and worn tops, but also because you never spend time fixing your hair in the morning if you are still going to the hairdresser. So I always look like a troll when I get there haha! Anyone who recognize themselves?
By the way, I'm sitting on the bus on the way to Stockholm again, it will first be an event with NYX and since I have received a +1 invitation, I will also be joined by Frida who comes along! Then there will probably be a glass of wine somewhere before we go home too :)
Have a nice Friday nice you !!