I have done a small durability test on red lips that lasts a long time!
Having a lip liner on the entire lips is a good idea if you want it to last a long time. I usually use Yves Rocher Automatic Lip Liner which sits very well, but if you drink very hot or eat, it needs to be improved so as not to look so crazy.
But now I tried to have too Lumene Eye Shadow Primer below, to see if it held up even better then, and I actually feel that it did! :)
I started by applying a thin layer of primer to the entire lips. However, I recommend a little more lip care before, so that it does not become as uneven as it became on me (did not do much when I had painted the lip pencil).
Get rid of the itchy on the lips:
* Start by warming them up a bit, for example taking a shower.
* Apply a thick layer of moisturizing lip balm (note not Lypsyl)
* Let the lip balm work for about 15 minutes.
* Scrub your lips gently with a toothbrush or terry towel. You can also use a peeling or sugar + olive oil. Then all the flakes come off without tearing up the lip!
I put the primer a little outside the contour as well, as I have small, small blackheads there that interfere when you have to get a sharp line with the lip pencil. Then just fill in the lips with the lip pencil and you are done!
Here you see the end result of my test!
(It was difficult to get a blurry daylight picture in the last picture, when the sun almost went down)
It should be added that I also drank a lot of coffee the first 4 hours. The 6-hour picture is so it stayed until I washed it off in the evening.
Think it's so unfair for us with small lips, oh what I envy you with big sometimes :) For us with such lips, the amount that disappears when you eat about half the lip, and then it looks so strange. But it is barely visible on big lips because they have so much lip makeup left around anyway!
Anyway, I have these lips so I know that at least I should not look like hello come and help me after a few hours, even if I would have improved a little now and then and I would have shown myself out :)
Thumbs up then!