Fake glasses


I had a period before when I was very into fake glasses (or clear glasses which is the right word). It's so heavenly nice with glasses so even we who do not have bad eyesight must have the chance to wear a nice pair of glasses :) Then whether it is with or without strength, it does not really matter!

However, I have not used it that much, although I think it is nice, because I never got used to wearing them. I who am not used to glasses think that it feels unpleasant to wear it indoors because it feels like I am wearing sunglasses haha, so I take them off unknowingly as soon as I am not outdoors!

But now I have started to learn and have used it every day this week just to practice :)

It is a superb complement to makeup too! Unmade-up eyes, colorful lips and glasses - super nice! Or a party make-up for everyday that becomes more neat and everyday immediately with a pair of glasses on. And I generally think that an unmade-up person does not look un-made-up if he is wearing glasses! Do you agree with me?

Tips on sides with stylish glasses without strength are Extraoptical.se and saltopeppar.se. Extra Optical sells glasses with strength and has a lot of nice frames to choose from, and you can also choose without strength if you want and then it will not be as expensive as a pair of regular glasses. Salto peppers do not sell with strength at all, but only clear glasses, they are not as luxurious and do not have as large a range, but are significantly cheaper with prices between SEK 100-150.


I get a lot of praise for these, they are from Extra Optical and you will find them here!

What do you think of glasses without strength? Elevator or diss? :)


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