Found a sex clover


I want to thank you for the enormous support I have received in recent days! Think that there are so many nice people who comfort, support and feel compassion even though you live miles away and do not know each other more than through the blog. You are so amazing, find no words ♥

And even though there is nothing you can say or do that removes the pain, I still feel that all the support and warmth from the surroundings is very helpful to cope with the days. So grateful!

Look what I found yesterday:

sex clover


  1. Hey! I thought I commented yesterday, but when I was going to write I did not find any words. It is as you say, that there is nothing to say that can change anything. It "is" right now all the time for you, I can imagine. Or I have no idea! ?
    I can not understand and feel how you who are so close feel. Hope all of me that it eases so slowly …… Hugs from me <3
    Regards Marita and Falkenberg

  2. I've been having trouble with your blog for the past month for some strange reason.
    But once I came in, I was a little shocked by your mother.
    I have had the same problem for 23 years, but if I had not had my medication I would not have worked. But in any case, I am glad that it now works with your blog (whatever it was that was wrong)
    Had a lot to plow through the last month and you always give very good tips, you do it all who have makeup blogs. So I have taken to me a lot that you for example test and I have like you very oily skin and that you take it up from time to time is great and gives tips on what to buy etc. Take care of yourself and try to have a nice midsummer, hug :)

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