Glamorous Sunday


I had a fully booked Saturday at the salon yesterday, great fun! And took a booking after closing too so stayed even longer. Then we ended the evening with cooking dinner at Annika, master chef Miska tossed together the world's tastiest halibut with parsnip puree and cucumber salad with leeks, lemon and dill. So hey, you have to try it! So good! :)

Today will be a work-free home day, but no relaxation here! We have not washed in several months, you know when it is no longer urgent because half the bathroom is filled with dirty laundry, but because there are actually no clean underwear left in the closet and you can use your "if-I-have-to- panties ”that really should have been thrown away several years ago? Do you recognize yourself, or is it just me (?) Haha.


You are used to seeing my slightly more glamorous side with beautiful make-up and intense looks - but now I also introduce you to Sunday Helena! She is also nice :)

I'm damn good at washing by the way, 100% structured and plan every single machine and suspension down to the smallest detail. Usually think that I work in a laundry and am the most efficient in the staff #knäppgök


Miska and I are the best laundry team! I arrange all the practicalities and he contributes to the entertainment, talking socks are standard in our laundry.

Anyway, now I'm going to pour myself a cup of coffee, turn on Celine Dion at the highest volume and start cleaning the closets.

Have a nice Sunday everyone! ♥


  1. Here at home, the man washes most of the time. We try to drive every week so you keep a little away :-) Yes, the emergency panties are at the far end. Purchased at HM during high school. 13 years ago type (!).

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