Green and Blue makeup

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     Now comes a make-up in the more colorful direction for once :) I think it's gotten bad lately, or what do you say?

    (All eyeshadows are from the 180 palette)
    Light green (lite metallic) eye shadow at the inside of the eyelid and at the bottom of the lower lash line.
    Green eye shadow in the middle of the eyelid.
    Blue eye shadow at the end of the eyelid.
    Darker green eye shadow at the end of the lower lash line and along the globe line.
    Light yellow highlighter eye shadow in the corner of the eye and under the eyebrow, Annika's favorite shade.

    Yesterday was super good by the way! Nicolin and I first had coffee at a café in Söder.

    Then we went on a windy evening in Southern Latin, where Nicolin's friends played the flute and trumpet (I think at least, do not have much control over all instruments)

    At least it was super cozy! :)
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    Helena Amiley
    Helena Amiley
    I write mostly about beauty but also offer glimpses from the entrepreneurial life and the construction of our own camper van. Vanlife here we come!

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