Make-up on Mia Törnblom


Yesterday afternoon, Zahra and I did real teamwork here at Creative Makeup By Her! In just under 1 ½ hour, we did make-up & hair styling on the four wonderfully beautiful and inspiring women who with the magazine Må Bra would lecture for 500 people at Uppsala Concert & Congress last night! :)

It was Leila Söderholm, Mia Törnblom, Catherine Althin and the evening's conferences which were great with us and which together lectured on training, self-esteem, style and fashion. Got so eager to cancel our last customers and go there and listen instead haha.

I did three of the make - ups, Zahra did everyone's hairstyles and had the honor to highlight Mia Törnblom's beautiful eyes. Look how beautiful she became:


Nice, is not it? She has eye makeup from Paese Cosmetics and looked so heavenly in it gloMinerals Cream Glaze Crayon on the lips, the picture is a bit dark but I immediately thought of the shade Mimosa when I saw her, and she also liked it very much :) It is a bit more "brilliant" in reality.

Hope you all had a wonderful Friday morning ♥

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