Makeup for a spontaneous party


It became a really spontaneous one output for us yesterday. Ten minutes after we decided, we were on our way to Stockholm!

However, we had nowhere to sleep afterwards, but were awake all night and then went to school as usual. VIKING.

What I want to bring out is that you hopefully understand why I never blogged yesterday, and why I am makeup free today. Lol.

Picture from when we had fun after the pub!

Makeup tips for a spontaneous exit:

When you only have your usual everyday make-up and decide to party, it is usually very urgent.

Step 1. hang up powder to matte the foundation and make it look more newly made.
Step 2. Glitter is a party princess' best tool! Apply the eyelid, as eyeliner or just a little in the corner of the eye. You immediately feel more party!

If time exists:

Step 3. No matter how naturally made-up you are in general, nothing adds up as much as one colorful lipstick!
Step 4. Black / dark eyeliner (especially on the inner lash line) removes the discreet feeling and immediately gives a more party look.

By the way, few things save even a party feeling as much as perfume and high heels!

Quick fix!

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