Hi Helena! I get so heavenly inspired by your new hair color, and would really like such a cool color too! But I'm a person who does not put on so much make-up, does not dye my hair more than a few blonde strands and does not really know how to dare anything else. Is a little afraid of what others will think and think, if you do nothing you are a bit with "safe" as well. But would also like to do cool makeup with lots of color and attitude, and make me a real ping! Mostly because it would be fun :) Would need a spicy post, and hear what you think and feel about this :) Thanks for a great blog! ”
Often people who do not put on make-up or fix themselves so much themselves believe that beauty is superficial and unnecessary, it is a fairly common prejudice, not least among older men (speaking from experience not science). But it's not all about just having a nice appearance, or pushing your self-confidence (which it also does!) But it's about mirroring your inner self!
”You have to look natural"And"one should look like oneself"In all glory, it's absolutely super duper nice with a little make-up and natural shades, I agree with that, and I also agree that you do not have to put on make-up if you do not want to. But above all, make-up and beauty should be fun! An accessory! A way to express yourself! :)
And then it does not have to be black or white either, many say things like "think of standing and fixing yourself so much every morning“But I can be super styled one day and then walk around in old clothes, sloppy tassel and completely unmade up the next day. Just like me one day I have a colorful make-up and braid, and the other day I have a dark soot and tight knot. You do not have to choose just one style, or whether you want to be a person who has a lot of makeup or not, but you do what you feel for today!
I want everyone (everyone who wants) to go all in at regular intervals with both hair, clothes and make-up and feel really bang-looking, and I want everyone to do it because it's so much fun! Both while you fix yourself, and afterwards when you feel like a real pudding! And all this without putting the slightest thought into what others should think and feel.
Dare to look good, dare to be unfixed, dare to vary your style, and dare to be yourself! ♥
PUSS on is!
Super nice hair, suits you so well!
Can you not test and review some more products from Bareminerals? Above all, basic production would be fun! Their carpet foundation content actually no bitsmuth! :)