Make-up for the school photo


Tilda sa…
"Hello! I have just started school again after the summer, and soon it's time for school photos (As usual)… Would be super happy if you could suggest products (such as foundations that look good in the picture, etc.) and show some tips on tricks that you should think about on when shooting with flash :) ”

The first thing I did when I read your question was to think back on all my previous school photos, I put on a lot of make-up at school (at least the last few years) but on all school photos I put on make-up naturally because I thought it would not stick out so much and is always nice. BUT I regret it a bit today because I look exactly the same on all cards, it would have been enough to buy a card from primary school and one from high school haha.

In other words, you usually put on make-up with a specific detail and do it! For example. a colorful lipstick or a specific eye shadow, it will be much more fun when you take out all the cards and compare in a few years :)

Photo with flash
The most important thing to keep in mind is that many foundations with spf reflect flash light and make your skin look pale and gray. If you have such a foundation and do not want to buy a new one, then apply a very thin layer and if you have blemishes to cover, work more with a concealer instead. I use mineral makeup that naturally has spf, but I have never had a problem with it in photography, maybe because the sun protection is not as high!

A tip is also to powder yourself properly and not use very shimmery products on the face (the eyes go well) because it can make you look very shiny in flash light.

Details that I think are nice on school cards:
* Bright shimmery eye shadows that are easy to apply but still make the eyes shine a little extra.
* White eyeliner along the waterline to open up the gaze.
* Framed eyes with eyeliner to make them look bigger in the distance.
* Quite a lot of shading and highlighter, but sparingly with blush.
* Matte lips in a nice color.
* Add a little extra shimmery shadow in the corner of the eye to make your eyes stand out even more!

Black and white
Surely you get the pictures in black and white too? In such cases, I can recommend my previous post about it here! :)


The most important thing is that you feel good, so think more about what exactly you feel best in! :)



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