Manuka Honey - Dangerous or Super Cure? (8 benefits of honey)

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I have been using Manukahonung MGO 600+ for a while to relieve my sore throat and try to get rid of my recurring sore throat / throat infections. So now I thought I would share the benefits of this healthy honey!

Since I am not so fond of honey, I have only used it to lubricate my tonsils and into throat lozenges with the taste of black currants. The manuka honey I have used is liquid and with MGO 600+ and me bought it from (adlink).

Manuka honey from New Zealand

Table of Contents:

8 Benefits │ Questions and answers │ My thoughts

The manuka honey comes from New Zealand and is said to have been used for thousands of years by indigenous peoples (Maori) as a natural medicine.

Honey has also been used for medicinal purposes for a long time in various places to treat wounds and infections, among other things. We have also treated one of our chickens who got an infected abscess on the foot with just honey ointment that we got from the vet. This is because honey itself has good antibacterial properties and extra good is just the manuka honey!

Below I have sneaked out 8 potential benefits of manuka honey and provide answers to some common questions! :)

MGO 600+ liquid Manuka honey 250g, contains 100% Leptospermum Scoparium.
Available for purchase at (adlink)

8 benefits of Manuka honey:

  1. A source of vitamins & minerals
    Honey contains over 200 different substances, including vitamin C, iron, copper, manganese, calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus and magnesium. However, you should eat it in moderation because it has a high sugar content as well.
  2. Helps with wound healing
    Can with advantage be applied to wounds and burns to speed up wound healing and prevent infections from occurring. Can also be used to naturally remove fungal infections.
  3. Promotes oral health
    The antibacterial properties of honey help to promote good oral health and counteract bacteria and fungi in the mouth and throat. Honey is also used in palliative care to prevent fungal infections in the mouth of patients.
  4. Soothes & prevents sore throat
    Manuka honey should be an effective way to fight sore throat, throat infections and sore throat. Worth testing before embarking on an antibiotic regimen because antibiotics not only kill bad bacteria but also harm the good ones!
  5. High in antioxidants
    Antioxidants relieve inflammation in the body and are also good for strengthening one's own immune system.
  6. Improves digestion and promotes good gastrointestinal health
    Studies have shown that manuka honey increases the number of good bacteria and reduces the number of bad bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. It can also help prevent & treat stomach ulcers.
  7. Can be good for pimples & acne
    Thanks to its antibacterial properties, manuka honey can also soothe and counteract the appearance of pimples & acne. This is because pimples usually occur due to. the imbalance of bacterial growth on the skin. Read more about pimples and acne in my previous post here (link).
  8. Boosts energy levels during physical activity
    Because manuka honey has such a high carbohydrate content, it works in the same way as sports gel and boosts the energy levels in the body. It is excellent to use before or during a workout. A tip is to mix in a teaspoon in your water that you bring with you during the workout!

What a thing! :)

Does Manuka honey help against Corona and other viruses?

Manuka honey can help against viruses because it contains Methylglyoxal (MGO), which in studies has been shown to have antiviral and antibacterial effects. There are many who praise the manuka honey as a miracle product (which it may be?) But it does best as a complement to an otherwise healthy lifestyle :)

Can also tip about my posts about Vitamin C. & Vitamin D., look at them!

The right dosage for Manuka honey?

The recommended dosage for manuka honey is 1-2 teaspoons a day (According to the manufacturers). However, I have a bit of a hard time with just honey, so I spot treat my tonsils instead and have a little honey in my homemade berry ice cream or smoothie.

I use a top and lubricate the tonsils in the manuka honey. In this way I put the honey straight down the throat so I do not get the taste on the tongue haha. Some people love honey but I have always had a hard time with it!

So far, nothing has completely cured my sore throats, but I actually think that honey has a clear relieving effect on the pain. I have also started massaging the neck (on the outside hehe) as a lymph massage type, that in combination with the honey on the inside is what worked best for me! I often feel that my sore throat is on its way, but after massage and honey it disappears before it breaks out :)

Manuka honey throat lozenges, good / bad?

When I bought liquid manuka honey, I also took the opportunity to buy these throat lozenges with a blackcurrant flavor that also contains manuka honey. Saw afterwards that they contain type only sugar, so maybe it's more candy than throat lozenges?

So I would probably rather recommend these as "candy with manuka honey" more than throat lozenges.

These contain 15% manukahonung MGO 300+ :) I bought these from (link).

Can Manuka honey be dangerous and are there any side effects?

Manuka honey is not dangerous, but you should be careful if you have diabetes or are allergic to honey or bees. It is also not recommended to give any type of honey to infants.

Manuka honey side effects can include:
    • Allergic reaction, especially for people allergic to bees.
    • Risk of high blood sugar with high intake.
    • Stinging / itching sensation when applied to wounds.

Good to keep in mind!

What do the labels on Manukahonung mean?

Manuka honey from New Zealand is labeled UMF or MGO. Both are qualified labels and guarantee genuine goods. 

The label is used to indicate the strength of the active ingredient in the honey. Manuka honey MGO 600+ means that it contains 600mg / kg of Methylglyoxal. On the UMF scale, 600+ corresponds to a value of approx. 17.

My thoughts on honey

Honey has several good properties & uses, what makes it extra good is that it is a natural way to help the body & skin to heal itself.

What surprised me the most was that honey is already used effectively against fungal infections in healthcare! Like, for example, the cream we bought for our rooster that got an abscess on its foot. Worth trying honey for various skin problems before seeking care, clean if it helps!

Hope you liked my post about manuka honey! Have you tested this for any ailments and isf how have you experienced it? I myself will probably always have a jar of manuka honey at home, as part of my natural home pharmacy! :)

If you are interested in manuka honey, you can have a look (adlink), they have many different products, brands and strengths. The one I use is MGO 600+ and you will find it here (adlink).

If you, like me, are often sick with a fever, I can tell you about my post Fever & Chills, there you get my best tips on dealing with their fever peaks! :)

Hugs are!

Also read:


  1. Har använd manukkahonung 3 år regebundet.
    Har inte haft covid, influenssa eller förkylningar.
    Smörjer med Manukkahonung om jag har bränt mej.
    Inga blĂĄsor kommernupp.

  2. Fick multi resistent bacteria i kroppen 2018 i December. Efter 5 månader och inget fungerade, läkarna matade mig med antibiotika innan jag tog ihop med en av läkarna. Bytte läkare och fick reda på att jag hade multi resistent bacteria. Börja forska vad som jag kan göra åt detta. Hitta Manuka Honung köpte den. Det var ju värt försöket 9 månader senare var jag ok igen. Dock blev blodsockret lite onödigt högt men när jag nu kunde gå normalt så fick motion lösa den biten.

    • Hey!
      Långt senare, men så intressant! hur mycket honung började du äta per dag? Äter du det fortfarande som förebyggande..? Har en äldre pappa med lungproblem med nu återkommande lunginflammationer och jag vill hitta hjälp!

      • Hej! Jag smorde in direkt halsmandlarna i flera mĂĄnader. Men jag fortsatte ha problem ändĂĄ och blev tvungen att operera bort dom till slut – men har fortfarande problem. SĂĄ nej det var tyvärr ingenting som löste det helt och hĂĄllet, men det hjälpte säkert litegrann! :)

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