New in the webshop - Annika's favorite shade


More than two years ago, makeup artist Annika Söderlund told me about her favorite shade.

The shimmery, light eye shadow that quickly became my favorite too!

The eye shadow works for all make-up. Either as a highlighter in the corner of the eye / under the eyebrows, or as part of the make-up itself.

NOW it is also available for purchase in my webshop, also in a new lot smarter jar with sieves! :)

Sifter is such a strainer, so that you get just the right amount of eye shadow at a time.

Love, love, love!


The idea was that even more products would be published today. Meeeen I was not as technical as I thought, but have to wait until Miska comes home (in a few days) so I can get help with some things.

Hugs are !! :)

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