nudh mineral Mascara


Do you remember my chaos fringes? I think they are on the right track now, lost even more after my post but now you see that they have grown a bit :)

You have been very cute who came up with lots of tips! I was very happy for that response :) Most of the time I have let the lashes rest, it is so difficult when you do not know what it is due to. But if it's not good soon, I'll take your tips seriously! * Everyday *

In any case, I have had an eye that has been perfectly okay, but not entirely cooperative either. But I can still show nudh mineral's mascara on the good eye, because I guess you are curious about that :) But I get to take a fairer picture when the lashes are completely okay again.

This mascara is in any case the one that got the most pli on the lashes! :)

Not quite a shame huh? :)

I like the brush too! Usually a fan of small rubber brushes, but this one takes up just the right amount of mascara that it has the same effect - that you can easily work alone from the root and add more layers without it becoming clumsy.


Two thumbs up!

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