Hi fine ni!
Now the Pet Fair is over and the days start to return to normal again after all the red days. I have a lot to stand for now two weeks ahead, but then it's time to start working as I usually do again.
Yesterday I slept with Frida in Uppsala and went directly from her to the fair, that is why the update was like that yesterday. But you got a post + new design in the blog anyway! What do you think of the new look? :)
I liked my header that I fixed not so long ago, but was already tired!
Depending on what screen size / screen settings you have, it looks just as different. I have a very small screen on my laptop, so then only the header is visible. But I hope that many of you see that the pictures are also in the background of the blog, and follow even when scrolling down? On Miska's screen it looks perfect!
On one side a natural look, and a more extreme party make-up on the other. Think it reflects the blog well!
Or what do you say? :)