Lip gloss for winter dry lips

I, like many others, have very dry lips in the winter.
You lubricate and lubricate with lip awl, and sometimes with a cheap lip gloss from H&M. And the lips just get drier and drier… Anyone who recognize themselves?
Want to tell you about a super nice lip gloss that actually cares lips at the same time!
It's the lip gloss ”Glogloss”From Glo Minerals. I tested them very much on my internship Creative Make Up, and fell instantly! They are "creamy" without it getting sticky, the shades are super nice and they sit well and long!
Got the grade 5/5 by Englas Showroom.
(She has the shade Naked in the picture)
Read Engla's post about the lip gloss Here!
Buy GloGloss on!
(And do not forget the discount code "Imakeyousmile" and get 10% discount!)

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