Pixi Illuminating Tint & Conceal


I have received a lot of questions about Pixi's different basic make-up products, super fun :) I will post about everything as soon as possible, but I start with what you seem to wonder most.

Pixi Illuminating Tint & Conceal is another smart multi-product from Pixi that is absolutely perfect this summer ♥

1. Wash your face as usual.
2. Lubricate the face with the colored day cream that contains both moisture, luster and spf 20!
If you have any blemishes or irregularities that interfere, soak a little of the supplied concealer and spread with your fingers.

Then you are ready :) The result is so natural and fresh! And above all, it goes fast because everything is in the same product.

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Here you see three before and after pictures. At first I am completely unmade up, on the one in the middle I only have the colored day cream and in the picture to the right I have covered small blemishes and the like with the concealer as well.

♥ evens out skin tone but gives an unmade-up result (just a little coverage)
♥ Nourishes, soothes and moisturizes the skin
♥ Gives a super nice glow (without looking glittery)
♥ Covers blemishes (as much as you want, with the concealer)
♥ Contains spf 20
♥ Affordable - four products in one, for SEK 369 (day cream, sunscreen, foundation, concealer)


The colored day cream contains, among other things:
Ginseng extract - Has anti-aging properties and evens out skin tone.
Ginkgo extract - Anti-inflammatory, soothing and reduces redness of the skin.
Extracts from Roman chamomile - Anti-inflammatory, wound healing and soothing.
Extracts from Kamelia oleifera - Moisturizes the skin and makes it soft.

The concealer contains aloe vera, Vitamin E and Vitamin C, which nourish and moisturize the skin.

Available in 3 shades that adapt to the skin tone, based on skin light / dark you are. I use the shade Nude Glow as I have already had time to get some color like this at the beginning of the summer.


And in this picture you see how the multifunction between colored day cream and concealer works! There is a concealer on the cork, and if you unscrew it you have a regular tube with day cream :)


Both the concealer and the colored day cream are superb!

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Here you see before and after with only the colored day cream. As you can see, the skin tone is much more even and nice, and has a nice glow, but you would think that I am unmade.

Blemishes and such are less visible, but do not disappear completely, so if there are some you want to conjure away, you can dab with the concealer in that area and then spread out with your fingertip and you get an even and nice (and covering) result:

Super easy! Dab and then spread the paint with your finger (and freshly washed hands of course).

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Here you see the difference with just the day cream, and then when I dabbled on concealer.

I have used concealer on larger parts of the face, around the eyes and so on, but it is of course possible to just dab a little on a single pimple or similar as well.

pixi tint

The day cream is very nice also under other foundations, I have tested it under mineral foundation and then the luster shines through very nice!

So available to buy at Byher.se.

Shout out if you have any questions ♥


  1. Agree that it is fantastic! So very smart also with a concealer that comes with and is adapted in color to the cream itself, it really melts in when you "pat" it into the skin. Even their H2O that you had posts about before is wonderful and feels super light and fresh like this in the summer. Pixi is a great brand in general, I think, even their eye shadows get the thumbs up from me, so I'm very happy that you brought in the brand! :)

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