Sunday post 16 Feb.


Hi fine ni!

Hope you had a great start on Sunday, I have! A little morning sleep and late coffee and write this blog post with my cat in my arms ♥ Cozy!

Last week, the Sunday post was about our safari trip, the first week of work after the holidays, I was a bit tenacious in fact. Not that I became unproductive but just a feeling, you know how it is :)

But now I're back on track!

News, news, news!

New lipsticks: I have used Paese's lipstick for probably 6 years now, I think, if I do not use them for a while, I still think that they smell "like the time when I had webshop stock in my mother's garage". And I still like them a lot! :)

Paese has changed its lipstick range over and over for a long time, so the color range has only decreased and decreased, but now we have brought in news so it will finally be like old times again - 15 shades to choose from!

Here I sit and test and double check all shades before the order is made.

We still have not received them yet, but the order has been placed and it will arrive soon!

I have already started with the preparations so that we can lay out the lipsticks as soon as we receive the delivery, so it was a whole evening in the photo studio when I took swatch pictures in all 15 shades. Both close-ups on the lips + full shots, so it took a long time because I screwed up / down the camera on the tripod between each close-up and full shot.

I not only take one picture per color either, but take about 10 close-ups and then 15 full-length photos on the face so I have a choice later. There were 534 pictures in total haha!

Here are sneak peaks on two of my new favorite colors:

We ordered this shade of peach / coral extra many because I think it will sell very well this spring! So nice! 51 is called the color.

The shade 33 is also a spring favorite! Love this purple color !! It does all the make-up, you need like nothing else :)

New treatment: Do you see my nice eyebrows in the picture above as well? It takes us to the next news that came to the salon after we came home from vacation and it's BROW LIFT that I blogged about in this post.

Here Olga does brow lift on me :)

I was a test person so we tested longer effect time on me than we do on customers, I forgot the details that I have already done brow lift once + had a fever and heat can make the fluids ache more effectively so it became a bit well effective on me, so my straws are a bit worn now haha BUT still great!

New skin care? We are also eager to bring in Pixi's skin care products. We sold skin care before (other brands) but it did not sell so well because we are mostly focused on makeup .. But I think Pixi's products can be an exception?

They are so nice, so popular on social media and also a good balance between "simple" and "active". You do not have to be a dermatologist to recommend them, but the customer can choose what you want, while they are still active and make a difference!

What do you think? Do you want to see them in our range? :)

New from glo Skin Beauty: I also had a meeting with glo Skin Beauty this week where I will also test some news that will hopefully come soon.

Here we sit in the waiting room and check out color shades!

One of the products I really think will be a spring and summer success! :) So fun!

Not a mascara: I tested another potential novelty as well - a caring mascara. Sometimes you are happy to put the products to the test before you buy stuff! Later in the day I looked like a panda:

This one qualified not into our range!

Nicer waiting room

When we moved to a new location 1 year ago, it was a stress move, you can safely say, for various reasons (which I do not have to write about again) we basically had to throw everything away and make the best of what we had. And due to double rents, we could not afford to buy new things either.

Now, however, we have booted in properly and feel that we can stay in the room for a while longer, (it is in the smallest team, we were unsure of how it would go with it) so now we have started to look at it a bit ! :)

We started with the waiting room which now looks like this:

The painting is painted by Kattis Palmnäs!


  1. Moved the coffee machine, a screen and a shoe rack. It was so crowded .. Now it's airy!
  2. New chairs, ours have been used extensively for 4 years and squeaked when you sat down. In addition, these are smaller so we can fit with 4 pieces, before we only had 3.
  3. New coffee table! Actually a pouf and washer, so the pouf can be an extra seat if needed.
  4. Dark gray curtains from the ceiling, cozier :) There is a curtain all over the wall to the front door.
  5. Changed places on the paintings, just to feel that it "became a little new".

Unfortunately I did not photograph a role model and blame everything on Miska haha. When he gets an idea, he starts now in a second, a trait I love! But therefore I did not even know that we would redo the waiting room until he has already started moving things;)

But here you can see a little what it looked like before:

All in white and as you can see, the office with the coffee machine is very tight.

Speaking of the new waiting room, I also want to show how cozy the colleagues did there on Valentine's Day:

I worked from home last Friday but saw this nice picture on our Insta Story!

Work remotely

I am constantly thinking about building my / my future companies so that I do not have to be stuck in a specific place. I want to be able to work from anywhere!

I really benefited from this now that our car did not go through the inspection and we only had time to choose from to have time to repair before the re-inspection.

Then I did not have to take time off to go to the car workshop;)

It was our incredibly kind friend Per-Magnus who helped us so it was no ordinary car repair shop :) Better!

I popped Spanish music in the speakers, sipped my take-away coffee (which I took from the salon before, good to have my own "café" in town) and sat and worked on the stairs while Miska and Per-Magnus changed wheel bearings on the rear tires.

IF I had a checkered butt afterwards? Answer yes. Semi-comfortable to sit on a beam of stairs;)

Good name for makeup brand?

I have also worked a lot with my future make-up brand. We have booked a trip to Cosmoprof in Bologna in March where I have 3 booked meetings with producers and packaging manufacturers :)

I have just received new samples of one of the packages that I have already tested but wanted to make some changes to .. I get a little stressed that it is time consuming to be as picky as I am haha.

In addition, I am waiting for packaging samples for one of the other products as well, it is a simpler type of packaging so I will mostly evaluate size, dimensions and small details.

And then I tested a new sample on a formula too! SO pep to get started with this really!

Another step that I need to finish as soon as possible is the entire graphic profile with name, logo and packaging design. I think the most difficult thing is the name, I come up with a lot of them, but of course the good ones are already busy. I have some good ones that I have "tasted" for a while but which do not feel like "YES WE TAKE IT!" and so you want it to feel right?

This is how I sit in the evenings and cheat, google and test different name variants .. I got a pretty nice offer on a service where you get help with name selection, maybe it's worth it! But coming up with one yourself is free;) and a little more fun! Must think ..

By the way, in this picture you get another sneak peek at one of the lipsticks that will be coming soon!

Vacation planning & new employee

Many hours have gone into scheduling for the summer as well, it's not easy! The balance between satisfied staff and a good schedule for the company is fine.

Sweden is a bad country for our industry, because we have most customers in the spring and summer, but that is when all staff want a holiday. But there is nothing to do about it, just to like the situation :)

The staff has a holiday for a total of 15 weeks, but luckily we received a clean job application at the turn of the year from a girl who is on maternity leave from her own company (in this industry) and who would like to work all summer even though we can not promise her employment. continues this fall. Her name is Madeleine! Will present her in more detail later :)

At least now I have opened the summer schedule + blocked holidays for our regular staff! Pjuh! :) Now only Madeleine's times remain, but I have come a long way in them as well.


  • Had staff meetings at work, both the whole team and individual conversations
  • Miska has been given a new assignment with website construction, so we are planning it together as I will probably take the pictures.
  • Freelance job at the company Disruptive Materials, made up for portrait photography for their "about us" page on the website. They hire new people on the conveyor belt!
  • And so some fringe and brow customers too, as usual!
  • When we came home from the trip, it was a new month as well, so have been sitting with statistics, reports, salaries etc.

Had no suitable image for these points, so end with a message from a satisfied customer in the webshop that I helped online (with images + text) to choose the foundation shade of glo Skin beauty Pressed Base:I have worked with these nuances since I went to high school and done many online consultations that have been good. But I am always clear that there are no guarantees over mail. So much fun when it works well!

Now I think I should do something fun in the photo studio, I just tested some samples for the makeup brand (got an idea I had to test so took a break from writing the posts). So now I have already started to put on some make-up so I might as well continue :)

Hugs are! ♥

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