Tattooed eyebrows


I received my first salary on Thursday, and felt that I had to treat myself to something I have wanted for a super long time - eyebrow tattoo!

My eyebrows have been more chaos than usual in recent weeks, do not know what has happened! Have barely touched them and yet they have become sparser, choppy and not at all good-looking. Thank you I know brow shadow. Almost ashamed to show the preview image.

And you know how to have a certain mirror-min when one reflects, without perhaps knowing about it oneself? My mirror mine is to raise the eyebrows a little, which I also did when I picked them. What a mistake! So the shape is not at all the way I want it to be when I relax.

But now they are super nice all the time, even if I fall asleep in the morning or bathe in the swimming pool!

Thank you Annika Söderlund for Creative Make Up because you are so very good :)

This morning they looked like this…

And now they are super nice !!!



It felt right, but it makes it absolutely worse to pluck the eyebrows!

In addition, you use anesthesia, so once you "made a hole" on the skin so that the anesthesia goes further down, it felt nothing at all :)

Ask if you have any specific questions!

So damn happy!

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