Hi Helena! I am interested in booking threading, but do not have much control over how it works and what the difference in the result is compared to e.g. shaving or waxing. What do you look like right after, and the days after? Is there anything you need to think about? Hug!"
What fun that you want to book threading! Here is a post with lots of info that I hope answers all your questions and a little more :)
What is threading?
A hair removal method that removes the hair strands with the root and therefore gives a long-lasting result (unlike, for example, hair removal cream and shaving where the hair grows out after only a few days). You twist a thread and pull it in a special way over the skin so that all the straws follow, even small thin scabs. The method is several thousand years old and has been widely used in the Middle East and Asia.
Why do you thread your face?
Some do it because they have coarser hair growth they want to get rid of, for example dark hair on the upper lip is extremely common even on women. But even people with lighter hair growth can have a lot of facial hair, which is often very long as well. Some people are bothered by the fact that it is visible, for example in sunlight, and some (including me) are bothered by the fact that the make-up does not apply as well in the areas where you have a lot of hair.
I have gotten quite long straws under the cheekbones that bother me, have felt a bit like fur haha even though others probably have not seen it at all. In addition, I would like to remove the scalp around the mouth, partly because I often put on make-up (and am tattooed) outside my actual lip contour, which means that I have straws on my lips otherwise, but also because when I take close-ups of lip make-up, I think the hairs are highlighted so much that it disturbs the images.
How much can you thread?
You can either thread small areas such as the upper lip, lower lip and chin, but you can also thread the entire face, neck and neck. Threading eyebrows is also common!
How does it happen?
- The area is thoroughly cleaned, any makeup is removed for hygiene reasons.
- Perfume-free powder is sometimes applied to the area to make the straws stand out clearly.
- All strands are removed with the help of the thread, until it is completely smooth and free of hair.
The treatment often ends with some form of cooling moisturizer.
Does it hurt?
Everyone is differently sensitive, I personally thought it hurt the first features only (on the upper lip) and up on the cheekbones, but in the rest of the face it did not hurt at all. But it is probably common to think that it hurts, but I was pleasantly surprised :) If you have thicker straws, it probably feels much more.
What do you look like right after?
The skin turns red when you thread, it is individual how much, some become very red others not much at all. The skin feels smoother than the baby and a little warm. It almost feels like you got a facelift!
The days after - In many people, the end result has been achieved as soon as the redness subsides, ie after only a few hours after the treatment. On sensitive skin, however, there may be small fin-like rashes, which disappear after 3-4 days. Also common if you wax.
If you do threading face regularly, the skin gets used to it and you stop getting a rash. I personally have not threaded my face so often that I stopped having a rash, however, the skin on my upper lip has gotten used to it and there I no longer get a rash.
Note that these rashes do not have to do with acne skin, but rather because you have a sensitive skin. I have a super sensitive skin and get a rash when I wax my body too, so I was a little prepared for that :)
What is the difference in the result with threading compared to other methods?
Methods such as shaving and cream are not as durable as the hair is only removed on the top of the skin, then it grows out after just a few days. In addition, shaving gives a stubby feeling when it grows out, because you cut off the thin top of the straws.
Compared to waxing, threading is also much more gentle, waxing pulls a little in the skin as well and takes large portions at the same time, which can lead to, for example, ruptured blood vessels.
How long does it last?
It is different how fast the hair grows, for about 3 weeks most people are completely hairless but in some it takes even longer. The hair on the face usually does not grow as fast as e.g. the eyebrows. If you thread regularly, the hair growth decreases and then you do not need to thread often at all.
Can you get coarser hair growth from threading?
In most cases, the opposite is true, hair growth decreases if you thread regularly for a long time. But since you pull the hairs from the root, which has a certain strain on the hair follicle, there are no guarantees, but it is certainly not common.
When I was a partner in a beauty salon, we did not have a single known case where someone got darker hair growth from threading.
Is it bad for the skin to thread?
If you do not have very sensitive skin, it is not bad at all! Threading starts the blood circulation in the skin and removes dead skin cells, a bit like an exfoliation. Many people do it as a facial even if the hair does not disturb them, a bit like microneedling :)
But if you continue to get a rash or notice that it stresses the skin, you should avoid threading.
Now I think I have included all the info on the subject! You who read who have threaded / threads regularly, you are very welcome to come with a response as well :) And if you have any more questions, shout out!
Hug hug!
Also read:
- Thread Pilator - Threading at Home (Trudy of Sweden Review)
- Hair Removal Face with Eyebrow Knife (Guide)
Does it not become stubble when they grow back or dark hairs? How often do you do that?
It becomes stubble if you shave, because then the top of the hair is completely cut off and is more visible / feels more stubby. But when you remove the hairs from the root, it grows out with a narrower top and does not feel like a stump.
When you thread regularly, the hair growth eventually decreases and you get less hair growth than before. If you have light hairs, they CAN be stimulated and become darker if you pull them from the root (it does not become so by shaving) but threading does not stimulate the skin as much as e.g. waxing as it "fishes up" the hairs only, so there is a fairly small risk that you get darker hair and as I said, there will be less hair growth in the long run. If you already have dark hair, the strands will not get darker either. I also want to emphasize that there is no great risk that the straws will get darker, you may get a few that become so (which you can get anyway, so does not have to depend on threading) but there is no one who goes from light hair to visible beard growth as well .
Forgot to answer your second question too :) It is different how fast the hair grows back, but every 3 weeks or once a month is common if you come regularly.
hi.plz late video Threading fo me