"Try a discount" on natural skin & hair care from Sanctum!


I am an extreme nature lover and always try to choose organic as much as my wallet and range allow, and I am so happy that I can do my daily beauty routines without a guilty conscience for what I flush down the drain!

And of course I want as many of you who read as possible to feel that way and want to try this, so now I have a "try-out discount" on Sanctum's entire range of Byher.se :) Applies to both skin and hair care!

Enter the code SANCTUM10 in the shopping cart to subtract 10% from the products!

organic skin care

My skin care routine with Sanctum has changed a bit since I started with the products. I got help from a dermatologist who scanned my skin and told me how to think about the products I choose.

I have (as I already knew before) a skin that is both oily and sensitive, and I have always wanted to use as mild cleansers as possible and then lubricating creams that suit my oily skin, but she said I should do the opposite! Use a cleanser that removes excess oil and works with that bit, and then soothe the skin afterwards with products for sensitive skin.

In addition, I have noticed after testing a lot of different that it is actually not so important to choose products completely without oil despite oily skin, the important thing is just that it goes into the skin quickly! Then I do not notice a difference between whether the product contains oil or not, and the sensitive skin feels great from oils :)


I use peeling, spot treatment on pimples, eye cream and all that from Sanctum as well, but these three are the most important products I have from Sanctum, can not live without them! :)

Cleaning - Purifying Foam Cleanser, a superb cleansing foam that cleanses the skin very well!
Toner - Tone & Refresh Mist, a toner in spray form that works both as a "regular toner" but also as a face mist that you can spray on the skin during the day, even after makeup.
Face cream - Moisture Concentrate is a moisture bomb for the skin and makes it so soft and comfortable! Works both as a day and night cream.

There is a lot of detailed info about the products on Byher.se, how many %s are organic (all are 100% natural) and more about what the ingredients have for properties on the skin, etc. Lots of interesting reading :) You will find all Sanctum products here!


* Not tested on animals
* UK Vegan
* Certified by Organic Food Chain (OFC Australia)
* Certified organic content: 76% - 98%
* Cork & bottle that is biodegradable in nature
* 100% Naturally recovered

Hugs are! ♥


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