Winter pale? Use organic brown without sun!


Every summer when I get color from the sun, I look at the bright lines on the body where the bikini sat and think ”think I was SO pale on my WHOLE body before!”. And now it's that time of year again, when there are no glimpses of any bikini stripes on the whole body no matter how closely you look;)

But instead of lying in a solarium that damages the skin, you can get a nice tan that is actually the opposite, caring and good for the skin - with organic tan without sun :) Here is an in-depth post with answers to all the most common questions around brown without sun!


These photos were taken after use with Eco by Sonya Invisible Tan

What is brown without sun?
Sun without sun is a cream that reacts with the skin's dead skin cells, and is therefore not harmful because it does nothing with the cells that are still alive. The skin becomes browner after 6-8 hours (slightly different from brand to brand) and then the burn lasts for about a week.

There is tan without sun in lots of forms, but the two categories that are most important to mention are that there are some that give a final result after just one use, and then there is also milder tan without sun that you use daily until you have achieved wished result. Like a skin lotion that also gives a little color.


Eco by Sonya Invisible Tan is Australia's first organically certified tan without sun, and is a moisturizer that nourishes your skin without any synthetic or toxic ingredients. It is 100% natural and the nice color comes from cocoa.

The lotion contains extracts from chamomile, honeysuckle, and grapes, as well as rose oil, avocado oil, cocoa and aloe vera.

The first time I tested it, I had just started working at the salon, and my best friend Frida came in to say hello. And after a while she said "there is something about the light in here, because you look incredibly brown!". There you have proof of how natural the result looked, she knew that I do not sunbathe solarium but did not have a thought that it was a tan without sun either :)

In addition to a nice color, you also get an incredibly caring result, and even if you are dry in some areas, it still does not get darker there, but still even and nice.

My sister has tested it too, and she had dry eczema-like areas on her arm that completely disappeared after just one use! And yet the color was even where she had been so dry.


Eco by Sonya Winter Skin is a skin lotion that can be used daily, it gives a much milder tan and you can build on the burn until you are completely satisfied. It is incredibly moisturizing and very caring for the skin.

After just one lubrication, you see a tiny discreet difference, and after several lubrications, you get a nice, gentle sun-kissed tone.

The ingredient that activates the skin (in both browns without the sun creams) is dihydroxyacetone, which in Eco by Sonya's products is organically certified!

Both of these creams are now on sale and costs 399:- instead of words. price SEK 499 :)


1. Clean the skin
Always start with a hot shower and scrub the skin thoroughly so that dead skin cells disappear. Then the burn will be much more durable! Brown without the sun attaches to the dead skin cells, so the skin you scrub off might otherwise have "fallen off" by itself tomorrow, and then taken a lot of the burn with it.


Eco by Sonya also has a good scrub when using tan without sun, Himalayan Salt Scrub, which you can use both before and possibly. when the paint is about to drop completely. And of course also super good for anyone who does not use mischief!

In addition to salt that scrubs the skin, this scrub contains, among other things:
Macadamia nut oil - Emollient, caring and moisturizing, and easily absorbed by the skin.
Lemongrass - Contracting and stimulating on tired and sagging skin. Refreshes and tightens the skin. In addition, it is antibacterial.
Coconut oil - Strengthens the skin's connective tissue and makes it more supple, speeds up the healing process and moisturizes the skin.

It contains 100% natural ingredients that are also 100% organic!

The scrub is incredibly effective, smells good and fresh, and the skin feels smooth and moisturized afterwards, you become soft as a baby :)

IMG_5460_111This is what the scrub looks like in close-up :)

2. Dry the skin
It is important not to be damp after the shower, dry the skin properly! And if you apply brown without the sun immediately after, it can be good if you finished the shower with a slightly cooler temperature, so that you are not hot and get a little sweaty after the shower. The skin should be completely dry.

3. Lubricate the skin with brown without sun
With many browns without sun, it is usually recommended to lubricate dry areas with a moisturizing cream before, so that the skin does not absorb more cream there and becomes darker than the rest of the skin. However, I do not think you need this with Invisible tan, it will be smooth anyway.

I always start with feet, legs, stomach, back (feel free to ask for help for the back if possible) and then face, chest, arms and finally the hands. I usually wash my hands thoroughly immediately after (scrub with a nail brush around the nails and palms) and then I apply on only the top of the hands. Then you get a nicer result! By the way, just lubricate yourself as with any skin lotion, take just enough (not too little, not too much) and massage into the skin so that you get lotion everywhere.

Do not forget between the toes and between the fingers, and also be careful on the neck and at the ears, these are common places to miss.

The hands are not the easiest when it comes to tan without sun, but this is what I usually do:


1. Lubricate the whole body with your hands.

2. Wash your hands and scrub them thoroughly around the nails and on the palms, otherwise it can easily get extra brown there. Be careful not to splash water on your arms.

Apply a click of tan without sun lotion on the top of the hands and fingers, and how do you do it without smearing the underside of the hands again? - With a cotton ball! Take a click of brown without sun on the cotton ball and lubricate with it, then you get an even and nice result without hassle and smudges :)


Directly after
Invisible tan smells good and goes into the skin quickly! You do not get snuff dry but feel that you have lubricated yourself, but you are not sticky either and can get dressed almost immediately. However, it is important not to get water on the skin for the first 6 hours!

I usually lubricate in the evening and go to bed at once, and after 8 hours of sleep you have a brown and nice burn when you wake up, and can shower if you want without the color dropping.

Maintain the burn
If you want an even darker result, you can lubricate yourself once the next day! But to just "keep the burn alive", I recommend lubricating about every 3 or 4 days, the dead skin cells disappear a little all the time and thus the burn also becomes brighter and brighter.

It is also important to also lubricate yourself with regular moisturizing lotion the days after, on a healthy skin, the tan without sun disappears in a more discreet way, otherwise it can disappear unevenly.

If you do not lubricate yourself at all, the color is almost gone after a week, for me it takes about 9 days. It's a bit individual because it's about how fast the dead skin cells disappear.

Common questions:

Why is the result spotty?
If you have a good tan without sun, it is usually a matter of missing places when you lubricate yourself, but it can also be due to the fact that you have not scrubbed yourself properly, that you have sweated after the lubrication or that you have used a shower cream that leaves a "membrane" behind. I also think that some people find it easier to become spotty than others, it is unclear why though.


This is what my hands looked like after an incident with another tan without sun a few years ago haha.

Can you save a spotty result?
Sun without sun is quite hard on the skin, but I think it is very effective to take a shower, warm the skin and scrub the stain.

Can the skin turn orange or yellow?
Some tan without sun gives an unnatural orange or yellow tone, and it usually depends on the brand itself. Then even some people have a tendency to get a tone that goes more to orange or yellow, it is unclear why. One of my customers has got a super nice brown tone on the body, but then became a little yellowish on the face, and I have a little hard to explain that actually.

The best thing about tan without sun is to test yourself, start with the lower body if you feel insecure. And if you are not happy, then shower in warm water and scrub the skin and a lot of the color disappears.

Does it stain clothes and bedding?
Sun without sun is not activated on fabric, so if you spill on a garment or similar, it should not turn brown. On the other hand, when you have brown skin cells that come loose the next few days (often in bed where you sweat and lie against the sheets), they can stick to fabric and look brown. This usually disappears in the laundry, because it is skin, but if you have white sheets that you are afraid of, then maybe you should not lie on them when you use tan without sun.

Can you sunbathe with tan without sun?
Yes, tan without sun does not work as a sunscreen in any way, but you become as brown as if you had not had tan without sun. But it is not as clear, because you are already a little fake-brown.

Does Eco by Sonya smell like classic "brown without sun-smell"?
The smell from tan without sun does not come from the cream, it is the process in the skin that smells! So it smells fresh and good after you have lubricated yourself, but then it is, as I said, the skin that smells.


Eco By Sonya is a brand from Australia that started "thanks" to the fact that the founder's sister got skin cancer due to too much sunbathing. Ugh how awful! But today she feels relatively well as I have understood it, and out of this still came something positive - because there was born the idea of a tan without sun that not only does a good job, but is also good for the skin and the environment! :)

You will find all Eco by Sonya products available on here!

Shout out if you have more questions ♥

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