Wish make-up - Lucia


"Will be Lucia on the 13th of December and needs a nice, Christmas make-up! 

Liked your previous Christmas make-up very much but I am a little afraid that it will be too hard a color as it is at school and I do not want to have too much focus on my make-up even if I want it to be nice! :) Has gray / blue eyes, mixed skin between warm and cold tones. Strawberry blonde hair. Would love to have gold involved! :) ”

Descriptive words: Colorful, Bright, Eyeliner with wing, Several different eye shadows. White, Light (white / yellow), Red, Purple, Brown, Gold, Orange

God what fun! I have also been lucia once :)

I skipped purple and orange, it is of course possible to get it nicely in the make-up, but it felt like it took away the Christmas feeling a bit. Hope you agree, otherwise you will scold me;)

This make-up will be super nice for your blue eyes!

With flash.

Without flash.

1. Light eye shadow innermost on the eyelid and under the brow, Annika's Favorite Shadow.
2. Red eye shadow at the end of the eyelid, Eleven 180 Palette.
3. Gold eyeliner in the corner of the eye and at the bottom of the lower lash line, IsaDora Twist Up Eye Pencil.
4. Golden eye shadow at the end of the lower lash line, nudh mineral eyeshadow Gorgeous Gold (will enter the shop as soon as I get the go-ahead!)
5. Brown eye shadow outer on the lower lash line, nudh mineral eyeshadow Cacao Brown. 
6. Golden eye shadow at the bottom of the globe line, nudh mineral eyeshadow Gorgeous Gold.
7. Blur the edges.
8. White eyeliner along the waterline, IsaDora Inliner Kajal (50 Satin White)
9. Black mascara on all lashes, Lumene Natural Code Triple Shock Volume Mascara

Bright lip gloss, Rituals Sparkling Lip Gloss (Nude Gold)

Hope you are satisfied!

This make-up is very suitable for me today, because I am now going to the first Christmas table of the year! :)

Hugs are!

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