Cosmetic tattoo - Eyes and lips


Hi, now I'm home again!

As you suspected, I have spent my Saturday with Annika Söderlund on Creative Make Up in Uppsala.

Annika has previously tattooed my eyebrows, but now she also tattooed lashliner, inliner and lips. So much fun !!

None of the tattoos hurt, not even the eyes. It stuck a little on the lips in some places, but it mostly just felt like vibrations.

The eyes, which sound like evil, did not hurt either. However, it was quite uncomfortable. But you are so very different there, I think people with lenses who are used to it would not think it was hard at all.

I have such incredibly sensitive eyes, for other people's fingers. I can put on make-up myself, but if someone else comes with a make-up brush, the tears start to flow immediately.

Right now I'm still sitting and "crying a little" (but it is not directly normal). So you do not get a full picture;) But of course I offer close-ups!

The tattoos are completely new when the pictures are taken, 1-2 hours apart. When everything has healed, it will lighten and look more natural. The lips are right now much, much darker than they will be.

Black lashliner + white inliner.

Lashliner is exactly where the eyelashes are stuck in the skin.
Inliner is along the waterline.

The pictures are taken in slightly different light, so it almost does not look like I have any eyelashes in the after-picture. But they are still;)

As I said, the color will be lighter in a few days. But I have made the lips a little more reddish pink, and also changed the shape so that they look fuller! (I have lubricated the lips, because they are so glossy)

I will return with close-ups in about a week, when the tattoo should have healed properly :)

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