Milk_shake Direct Color - Review

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Have you heard of Milk_shake Direct Color !? :) I bought my products from my hairdresser Monica at Color And The Shape in Uppsala and is in love!

Hairdressers usually never recommend home color / toning otherwise, just type silver shampoo and color packaging. But Milk_shake has a home tint that is very easy to use and that hairdressers recommend for home use.

My hair gets yellow, warm tones in my hair very quickly after a few washes after the hairdresser's visit. Since I am not very bright blonde, silver shampoo does not make as much difference as I would like, even though it of course has an effect. I have therefore been looking for some type of nuance that can be done at home between hairdresser visits and now I have finally found a great product for this! It is MAGICAL!

Milk_shake Direct Color review review

Milk_Shake Direct Color (left in the picture) is a color that you can have directly in the hair, but for toning effect you mix it with a foam (right in the picture). There is a foam that is completely transparent but I bought the one that also gives a silver effect to give even more coolness to the hair color.

And hey, I'm so happy with the result! Several at work have also seen a difference and asked if I dyed my hair :)

Milk_shake Direct Color powder

Look what a difference!

What is Milk_shake Conditioning Direct Color?

Milk_Shake Direct Color (adlink) is a home toning that is available in different shades, both colors with a lot of pigment (if you want pink hair, for example) and ones like the one I have that become more like a neutralization.

Nuance Powder - I have used the best-selling shade Powder which has a purple / pink powdery tone. It effectively removes yellow tones and gives a faint rose color to the hair. I have also tried Beige Blond which is a little milder and a little more pink beige than purple pink as Powder is, it is also good but I prefer Powder a little more as it gives more effect.

The fact that the color attracts rose purple and not just blue (as many ziver products do) is because pink also neutralizes green. If you have a strong yellow tone, it can get a little greenish if you just apply blue.

Formula - The cream is a bit like a colored gel in texture and very easy to distribute in the hair. It is moisturizing but NOTE contains silicones which is the only negative, I prefer not to have silicones in my hair…

What is Milk_shake Silver Shine Whipped Cream?

Milk_Shake Silver Shine Whipped Cream (adlink) is a caring and coloring foam with a silver tone. You can either mix with Direct Color, or use as a leave-in product after the shower for an even cooler effect on the hair color.

The shade - Neutralizes yellow and warm tones and gives the hair a cooler tone. There is also a foam that is colorless (it is cheaper too) that you can use for the other colors if you do not want a cooler tone in your hair.

Formula - A very creamy foam that is incredibly easy to distribute throughout the hair. Contains milk proteins and blueberry extracts that have a softening effect on the hair. Contains silicones just like the above product. Gets very smooth in the hair!

Milk_shake Direct Color usage
I made my first mix in a beautiful drinking glass, just for fun hihi! Fint va?

How to use Milk_Shake Direct Color?

Here's how to do it:

  1. Wash your hair and do this toning as the last step in the shower.
  2. Towel dry your hair
  3. Mix Direct Color with the Whipped Cream foam in a small bowl. The more color / less foam you use, the more effect the coloring gives, but what is recommended is about 5 ml of paint and a click of foam that is about the size of a tennis ball.
    - However, I mix directly in the hand (except for the first time when I had in the glass above hehe) and I think it works just as well, so you do not have to work with the counter.
  4. Wear gloves if you use one of the stronger colors, I have not had it for the Powder shade though and it did not attach anything to the hands.
  5. Distribute evenly in the hair and leave for 5 to 30 minutes, depending on how much effect is desired.
  6. Rinse your hair thoroughly


This is how nice the result was then:

Milk_shake Direct Color before and after

How long does Milk_Shake Direct Color last?

The paint lasts 8-10 washes depending on what color you have and how long you have left it in pain. For me who fills up on every wash without rinsing out, it takes a long time to wash off completely, but it disappears a bit every wash anyway.

However, one should always be aware of all color packaging and the like can put hard on the hair, and if you then bleach on the pigments that remain, it can be any color. So there are no guarantees. I've talked a lot with my hairdresser Monica about this.

So if you are going to try to have bright purple in your blonde hair, be a little careful because it is not 100 that the pigments disappear completely even though it is on the packaging.


Now I do not remember the prices exactly in the head but 169: - I think Direct Color cost and 289: - cost the silver foam. So type 450: - for both. And the foam that does not have a silver effect probably also costs SEK 169 if I remember correctly, so it is much cheaper. Prices online may differ.

get rid of yellow hair

It turned out more in the rosé direction than I had expected, I thought it would be more silver cold and possibly go in the lavender purple direction if reached - because that's what the color itself looks like when you mix.

But I have some red-pink pigments in my hair from previous dyes, so it fits super well and it's crazy nice! :)

Here's what I do now:

Update! I wrote this in the post 3 years later :)

I have become totally addicted and at the time of writing have been using these products for 3.5 years now. They are so good!

I no longer use the Direct Color cream as a coloring, but mix a small click in my conditioner and use it as a leave-in cream when I finish the hair wash. So I stay in the shower and have it as a last step, but diluted with conditioner and without rinsing.

When I now use it as a leave-in, I only get a nice cold tone, it usually does not draw so much to pink but more just cold. I do this about every other hair wash, it lasts longer but then I always have a perfect tone.

I use the mousse from time to time when I want a cooler tone.

In my blog post Take care of permanent hair can you see how the shade becomes on my hair when it was lighter bleached. Have used a lot of Milk_Shake then as well.

And in my blog post Rainbow Makeup Tutorial can you see my hair color with a little darker blonde tone and where I used a little less Milk_Shake. More natural but still a nice tone! My hair quickly turns yellow otherwise.

get rid of green hair

Love the balayage and all the shifts in the hair, the whole hairstyle becomes more alive :)

Summary - Good home toning to effectively freshen up the hair color without having to go to the hairdresser's cliff in the block. Big minus that it contains silicone I think, but in addition it gets two big thumbs up!

The result is nice, even and they are very easy to use. You can also vary if you want a lot or a little effect by adjusting the amount of color and foam. The hair feels soft and smooth afterwards. Above all, it gives a lot of effect which I love!

Have any of you tested Milk_shake's products? What do you think?

The links to the products again in case you do not have the strength to scroll up in the post:

Also read:

Tips for green shifts in the hair

Hug ♥

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