I was really happy with the New Year's make - up I did yesterday, which resulted in me being very sad today that the pictures do not show at all how beautiful it was in reality!
But have had enough of my camera problems now. My little camera that "works" and Miska's system camera that would have been good if the flash had worked (and which we never send in for repair because it is better than my little one if there is sunlight outside)
So this week I'm going invest in its own system camera, which should work perfectly !!!
So in the meantime, can you write which of my make-up you want to see in better pictures, or step by step? So we can hope that the delivery time is fast on the camera I order and I will fix it as soon as possible!
Anyone have any camera tips by the way?
Here comes yesterday's make - up, which is very blurred in the picture as it was the only way to see the glitter well.
Purplepinkglitter eye shadow on the inner part of the eyelid and the lower lash line, Too faced glamor dust, Glampire. (It is very difficult to explain what color it is)
Dark brown eye shadow at the end of the eyelid and along the globe line, The H&M palette.
Black eye shadow at the end of the lower lash line and a little along the globe line (to get a more smoky look) The H&M palette.
Light yellow highlighter eyeshadow in the corner of the eye and up below the eyebrow, Annika's favorite shade.
Black eyeliner on the upper lash line and at the end of the lower lash line, H&M.
Then add more black so that it would be more visible in the picture.
It did not get as blurry either!
However, I think it was actually the most beautiful before it became so dark black.
Full screen before I put on extra black eye shadow.
Pink lip pencil, MAC
Full picture after I made the make-up darker.
The shape of the make-up can be seen better here! Has "pulled out" the eye shadows a bit.