Golden Cut Crease

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Hi fine ni!

In today's make-up, I tried to do a cut crease make-up in a different way than I usually do. I usually apply primer on the entire eyelid and then make sharp edges in the crease directly with the eye shadows, but I have seen on Instagram that many do it by first doing a soft sweep along the crease and then marking the eyelid sharply with a cream eye shadow.

I have not tested it before as I do not have a good light cream eyeshadow that I think lasts super well, but now I realized that I can test do it with a little eyeshadow primer instead :) It did not hold mega good either because it got a little thick with primer , but will test again sometime, if you are more economical with the second layer of primer, I think it can be really good without being too much "layer upon layer".

Anyway, here is a tutorial on makeup that I took step by step :)


Face primer - Paese Makeup Base (Matte)
Foundation - gloMinerals Pressed Base Foundation (Golden medium)
Contouring - Paese Bronzing Powder (1M)
Highlighter - Pixi Book of beauty (Glow Getters)

Rouge - Paese powder blush (35)
Fixing Mist - Pixi Makeup Fixing Mist

Eyebrows - Pixi natural brow duo (Natural Brown)
Lips - My lip tattoo


  1. Eyeshadow primer, Pixi eye bright primer
    Brown eyeshadow along the globe line, Paese Kashmir eyeshadow (604)
  2. Brown eyeshadow at the end of the lower lash line
  3. Tie the globe line and the lower lash line together and form a cat eye shape with eye shadow at the end of the eyelid.
  4. Fade the edges
  5. Black eye shadow at the end of the eyelid, Paese cashmere eyeshadow (602)
  6. Eyeshadow primer on the inside of the eyelid, so that there is a sharp edge at the crease line
  7. Golden eye shadow in the middle of the eyelid, Yag Mineral eyeshadow (Rose Gold)
  8. Light, shimmery eye shadow in the inner part of the eyelid and in the corner of the eye, Paese Diamond Trio (707)*
  9. Brown, shimmery eye shadow along the lower lash line, Paese Diamond Trio (707)
  10. Black eyeliner with wing, Paese liquid eyeliner
    Black mascara on all lashes, Magnetic Lash Mascara

Then it's ready! :)

The makeup brushes I have used are from Nanshy - Tapered Crease, Crease, Flat Definer and Pencil.

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Hope you were inspired!


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