Gold New Year's make-up


Emelie sa…
I bought mixing liquid and eyedust in gold! But I do not really know what to do. Would be great fun if you could do something about it! :) And glitter then!


I guess the glitter and eyedust are also from the Make Up Store, and unfortunately I do not have them myself. But god so nice it will be! Had the gold eyedust before and it is wonderful, and so even more glitter on it. Gorgeous!

You can basically just add primer - eyedust - glitter and then you are ready to rock, the products do their thing;) Or the eyedust on the eyelid and glitter on the lower lash line.

But I have done step by step with the products I have, and also smoked with dark brown to get a little more attitude in the look!

1. Paint the shape at the end of the eyelid with dark brown eye shadow the way you want it.
IsaDora Eye Shadow Trio (84 Forest)

2. Fill the eyelid inside the mold with golden eye shadow
(Din eyedust)

3. Top up with dark brown eye shadow and shadow into the shape of the golden eye shadow.

4. Blur the outer edges of the dark brown shade as well.

5. Put it on golden the shadow along the lower lash line and also up next to the dark brown.

6. Highlight the innermost part of the lower lash line, the corner of the eye and under the brow with one light eye shadow.

Eyedust (No.1)

7. Dab on gold glitter on the eyelid.
(Your glitter and Mixing Liquid from Make Up Store) 

8. Add gold glitter even on the dark brown if you like.
9. Frame your eyes with black eyeliner, along the upper and slightly on the lower lash line.
10. Open your eyes with vit kajalpenna on the inner lash line, H&M.

11. Finish with black mascara on all lashes!
Make Up Store, Multilash.

Dark pink lipstick, Eleven 66 Color Lip Palette.

Hope you were satisfied :)

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