Helena likes - Yves Rocher Scrub to Mix


One of Yves Rocher's news is a facial peeling called Scrub to Mix** and is a completely natural exfoliating powder that is mixed with the cleanser that suits your skin type and then turns into a specially adapted peeling.

Super good idea I think! It is almost always something you otherwise want to change in a facial peel, too much grain, too little grain, too creamy, too oily, too jelly, etc. But this can be mixed with any cleanser, and also adjust the amount of peeling grain. It's so much a matter of taste how much grain you want in your peeling, and I want quite a lot in the T-zone but very little in the temples and at the jaw area.

I have received some press samples of the latest news and started testing them immediately, as I wanted to get the reviews out before the weekend because Yves Rocher has on his website a great Halloween campaign until November 1st! If you enter the discount code ”TREAT16“You get an optional product at no extra cost when ordering. You get the first product you add to the shopping cart :)


I rinse my face, take a click of my usual cleanser in my hand, and pour on a small amount of scrubbing powder and mix these directly with my fingertips. Then I massage the peel into the face with a focus on the T-zone.

Is it good to peel with barley?
Many skin therapists say that you should use peels with enzymes or acid that exfoliate without scrubbing the skin, because the grains tear into the skin. I do not know what is right or wrong but personally love to also use mechanical peels that scrub properly! It is the fastest way to get rid of dead skin cells and get more radiance in the skin. Then it is important what kind of grain you use, they should not be too sharp or hard and you should never use an exfoliation for the body to the face.

My review
I think Yves Rocher Scrub to Mix is great and gets two thumbs up from me! You scrub the skin with a lot of grain and an effective scrubbing effect at the same time as the grains are small and do not feel tearing on the skin. The bottle is small and handy with a large opening that makes it easy to get the powder out. In addition, it is made from only natural ingredients.

The price is also affordable, SEK 79 and is available at Yvesrocher.se**.


So two thumbs up! :)advertisement


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