Me and my blue lips


Kellie sa…
Can't use the blue colors from the lip palette?


Yeah absolutely!

Have read some makeup blogs that think it's crappy with blue lips, and keep their fingers crossed that it's going to be fashionable! Absolutely cool in my opinion, but nothing I immediately feel good about actually.

What do you think? :)


At the same time you can see mine jobblook today! (Fixed at work it was without lipstick hehe)
Discreet make-up, with mascara and eyeliner!


SEK 199 on


Very pigment-rich for the rest!

I have not brightened my lips with concealer or similar before. Just put the blue lipstick, a lighter shade in the middle.

By the way, do you want to see one earthy makeup with the 252 palette, so have a look Modern Mom!


Kiss and hug!

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