Awesome day so far!
Have eaten breakfast with Frida (for several hours) and now become a blogger and a little math student before Miska comes home from work.
Then I have several hours with my dear knitting (future hat) on the train to school!
Here is today's makeup:
Purple eye shadow on the lower and inner lash line and along the globe line, Dior.
Light pink eye shadow in the inner part of the eyelid and in the corner of the eye, Dior.
RED eye shadow at the end of the eyelid, 180 pallets.
RED glittery eye shadow over the globe line, 180 pallets.
This make-up will probably be a shitty party make-up if you do it darker, with black eye shadow and eyeliner. Good nice !!!
My nice bright outgrowth really visible when I have wet hair!
(Because the dark hair gets a lot darker)
Now against!