Sometimes I get the question, what is your best beauty ploy?
I always have such a hard time answering it, there are so many answers! Sleep and taking care of your skin are two very boring but true and important details, which I usually answer.
But I have started to think a bit about that question…
A boyfriend and I sat and discussed each other's looks once, after which he said:
"But Helena, you are so heavenly happy and funny all the time so it does not matter what you look like, all guys want to be with you anyway!"
There we have the answer. Self-confidence and a positive attitude is my best beauty trick! (In addition to sleep and hygiene, hehe)
You must dare to treat yourself, and dare to be happy and satisfied with life! Joy is contagious :)
There is so much propaganda on Facebook all the time that "it's okay to be sad”Etc. Yes, absolutely, you should not always walk around with a fake smile and you should be able to cry for your loved ones.
But more people should walk around with a real smile! Everyone has things to be sad about, but far too few focus on everything you have that is actually wonderful!
A home, family, friends, children, job, legs to walk on, food on the table… If you do not have one, you have the other. Focus on everything good instead of putting energy into things that you still can not change!
Sometimes when people ask "How's it going?"And you answer"great!"Then you get back an annoyed"yes but it's always great with you, you never have a bad day ...”
But why would I complain about that? It just requires more energy and I do not get anything out of it anyway. Things / people who take more energy than they give, can stay away from me :)
Those were the wise words of the day! :)
Now I thought I would try to offer some smiles! I may not always be particularly good-looking, but the main thing is that you have fun!
You who guessed at Gunilla Persson in this post was right ;)
Not always as nice before makeup;)
I wake up this frilla every morning!
I got angry at the camera once who refused to take pictures.
Just when I make this mine, it snaps!
A little red after peeling.
But like I said, you know I can be nice too :)
Hope you have a really great day, even though it is overcast! :)