If you're wondering what I've done on my nose, I went into a glass wall the other day:
Answer yes, you can really succeed with that! Hahaha!
I was at an event with Oriflame this week, and they have spinning doors like that when you go in, you know where you go in and then there is a glass plate that goes in front of you and then you go out when you get to the door hole. Or you do as I do, and go out BEFORE you get to the doorway⌠SMACK!
- The shock. What happened and how do I get out?
- Did anyone see? Yep, she saw, she smiles (laughs inside)
- The pain. Damn what it hurts!
- Do you think so? * Reflects me in the mobile camera and sees two teary eyes and an intense red nose * Yep, it showsâŚ
Had to stand up and scroll a bit on the phone before I took the elevator up to the event haha. Do not be close to crying but you know what it is like to hit your nose, the tears come from just the speed because it is so close to the eyes. Looked like I had been beaten right outside!
This happened on Wednesday and the nose is only getting redder and redder, and still hurts a lot. I thought things like this got better and better (?) But not for me haha.
So you who have been past the salon and seen me walking around with a red and swollen nose, there is no mega fin who is on his way out and I have not been in a fight either. Just extremely clumsy and now believes that all glass revolving doors should be banned.
Anyway, I thank the gods that it did not get worse. I could have started bleeding (almost strange that I did not) or even worse, what if the glass wall had broken! Then I would have died the death of embarrassment and run home :)
Feel a little sorry for me now, beware of glass walls and have a continued pleasant day! âĽ