Exactly one year ago

I think it's so fun to go back in sometimes the blog archive, and check out what I did exactly one year ago!
Most of the time I think "But God, it's already been a year!" and sometimes I diss my own make-up and realize that I have become much better at certain details :)
Thought for fun to publish the post I wrote October 28th 2011!
   Colorful party make-up
Today is Friday, which usually means party or coziness!
For me, it means cosiness. Miska and I will at least cook extra nice food today in honor of the day :)
But for those of you who are going to party today, I did a colorful party make-up, which defies today's gray weather! 

Purple eye shadow on the entire eyelid, 180 pallets.
Gray-black eye shadow along the globe line, 180 pallets.
Green eye shadow at the end of the lower lash line, 180 pallets.
Black eye shadow (slightly) at the end of the globe line and the lower lash line, 180 pallets.
Creamy white eye shadow at the bottom of the lower lash line, Glo Minerals (banana)
White eye shadow on the inside of the eyelid (to lighten the purple a little) Glo Minerals (Diamond)
Black eyeliner on the entire upper lash line, Oriflame.
No lipstick / lip gloss today. Sometimes my lips have just nice color anyway :)
Today it will be last internship day at Tygcentrum… Two weeks have passed so quickly.

By the way, yesterday I plucked the eyebrows of Ulrika who works there. Forgot to snap before and after pictures, but she was at least very happy! :)

Now I have to wedge!  
I started blogging in January 2009 and, back then, the blog was not a makeup blog. Lived a completely different life at that time, had not even started high school!

What exactly did you do a year ago? :)

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