Ladies Night


After another sleepless night, I was the most tired and vimsigast yesterday. And when I called Frida after being alone in Uppsala for 2 hours, the conversation sounded something like this:

I - Blablablablabla haha ååhää blablablabla.
Frida - Hahahaha!
I - Blablablablabla iihihihi shiiiiiit blablablablabla.
Frida - You sound almost loud Helena, good luck putting on makeup on BJ tonight!

For justja, Ladies Night and makeup mingle on birger Jarl in Uppsala was on the schedule about 10 minutes after the conversation with Fridis!

But I gathered myself pretty well! Didn't need to put eyeliner on anyone, so it didn't do much to the hands shook and the eyes basically checked in cross;)
Have no pictures from the evening, but it was great fun! We made up people for free, gave out offers and informed a little in general about what Creative Make Up is doing!
For lack of pictures, I show an old make-up.
But tonight I have at least received sleep out! Extremely nice to force yourself to stay in the morning and tell yourself that I. need sleep.
Now I'm going to put on make-up!

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