I started the morning by showing you the before and after picture of one of our customers, and when I'm still on the go, I thought I would take the opportunity to show you another picture of a nice customer, although a transformation that Amir has made! :)
Yesterday, Amir had a customer who had booked a lashliner upstairs, or "eyeliner base" as we have started to call it because it is a little easier for all customers to understand what it is. A lashliner is thus a marking in the scalp of the lashes, which is so thin that it is basically not visible at all when you close your eyes but is just at the lashes only.
She came a little early and when I saw her beautiful lashes (which, however, were completely light) I asked if we would not dye them a little quickly before just. And she really wanted to! You should not put on make-up for at least a week after the treatment, so it is very common to dye and permanent the lashes before and you can book at the same time. But these lashes were so curved naturally that just enough color was enough.
Here is the result!
Fint va? This is the photo directly after the treatment, and the result will be significantly milder as soon as the tattoo has healed.
I will try to remember to take pictures after the healing when she is here for a return visit in March, so that you can see the end result as well - because it is often quite a big difference if you compare newly tattooed and after healing.
Here are the before and after:
Fint va? :)
vart finns du om man vill boka för lashliner?
Hälsningar/Anette Jkpg
Jag utför inte behandlingen själv men du kan boka tid hos Creativemakeup.se i Uppsala :)