Since I have started selling a little more nail polish stuff in the webshop, I thought I would take the opportunity to write some nail tips for you! It's not rocket science directly but I hope the tips are helpful in any case:)
1. Preparations
* File and polish your nails, an even nail bed gives both a nicer and more durable result. Do not polish too much just, then the nails can become too thin and then they fall off more easily.
* Cleaning the nails before you paint your nail polish is important for a lasting result, because dirt, dust and oils will make the nail polish adhere worse. Therefore, clean your nails with an acetone-free remover before you start, a tip on one that also smells good is Paese Nail Polish Remover that smells of tropical fruits!
2. Apply nail polish
* Start with base coat, it acts as a primer for the colored nail polish and will also reduce the risk of discolored nails.
* Apply the nail polish evenly by drawing three thin lines with the brush, first one in the middle and then one on each side. On the sides of the nail you can smear as much as you want because it is easy to remove, but beware of the cuticles because on them it is more difficult to remove the nail polish afterwards.
* Finish with a top coat for a nice shine and better durability, paint over the edge of the nail because then you seal your nail polish and make it last even better!
3. Difficult to sit still?
* A thin coat dries much faster than if you apply a lot at once, so if you do not have a full-coverage varnish, I recommend painting more thin coats instead of a thick one. Or always buy full-coverage varnish, then you only need a thin layer and then you are ready.
* Paint one hand at a time and do not start with the next until the first has dried. Then you always have a hand over to answer calls, refill the coffee cup or do other ants-in-brallan chores.
* To be able to start doing chores with your hands again more quickly, I can recommend Paese Quick'n Dry - a liquid that creates a protective layer over the varnish. Such dry-faster-liquids do not cause nail polish to dry much faster because nail polish dries from the outside in, which means that whatever you put on the surface should not be able to affect the drying time at the bottom. But the liquid makes the surface harder and more durable, and I, who always get nicks and ugly marks on my nails, are cheering right now! Paese's nail polish dries relatively quickly compared to many nail polishes, but I who can not even sit still for a minute really appreciate this little invention.
* Do not wave your hands, it will not make your varnish dry faster, the only thing you do is increase the risk of hitting your nails with something and get ugly marks.
* If it becomes urgent and you quickly have to do something with your hands, rinse them in ice-cold water, then the nail polish hardens faster! But they will not dry faster in the end if I have understood it correctly, because as soon as they become room temperature again, they regain their consistency as they would have had if you had not had them in water.
* I who really can not sit still also skip base and top varnish, I prefer to redo the nail polish more often due to poorer durability than walking around with ugly marks in the nail polish because I have not had the patience to wait for all layers.
Here you will find all Paese's nail products that I sell, nail polish, remover and Quick'n Dry! :) There will be more pictures of the different nail polish colors soon.
Hugs are!