Organic lips with Benecos


I truly love lip makeup and sometimes have to stop me from not just bringing in such products to haha, it's more fun to apply eye shadow, but if I had to choose between them purely in terms of appearance, I would have chosen lips without a doubt!

And now I thought I would write a little more in detail about two of Beneco's organic lip products that I brought into the webshop a while ago, I have not made a post about them yet and have received requests for it :)


Here you see all the nice lipsticks, Benecos Natural Lipstick!

I was asked if they are fat or not, and to that I answer that they are fat in a very, very soft and smooth way. They are not sticky fat as well but creamier than many pins. I have probably never worn lipstick that is so smooth on the lips, it feels like it almost melts on the lip a bit (in a good way). And they contain caring and moisturizing ingredients such as jojoba oil, sunflower oil and beeswax.

The pins slide on the lips quickly and easily, smell fruity and good, and are rich in pigment and full coverage.

Available in 10 nice colors and costs SEK 79! Available for purchase here!



In this picture I have Just Red on my lips :)

lip gloss - copy

Then there are also these wonderful lip glosses Benecos Natural Shiny Lipcolour! Perfect for us who like glossy lip balm that gives a little color, because these are not as glossy as a classic lip gloss, but they are glossier and more pigment-rich than lip balm, at the same time as they are as caring as lip balm! Do you follow? :)

These are super easy to carry in your purse / pocket and improve during the day, incredibly flexible!

The lip gloss contains jojoba oil, sunflower oil, beeswax and vitamin E which nourishes and protects the lips. Available in three nice colors that are semi-opaque but pigment-rich, and give a very nice natural result. They are very smooth and lovely on the lips, and smell fruity and good.

Costs SEK 89 and is available for purchase here!


Here you see the three nice shades!

In this picture I have the shade Silky Tulip:


Why buy lots of bad and boring Lypsyl when you can get such a wonderful, moisturizing, nice and organic results with these ?! :)

Now I'll sip my cup of coffee the other day, and then a make-up customer will come here for a baptism later today. It will be super fun to make her a little extra nice in honor of the day!

Have a wonderful Saturday nice you ♥


  1. They are so nice! Will definitely buy some shade sometime :) Do they last a long time? do not know if you have done anything before, but maybe you want to give us some tips on how to keep the color on the lips for a long time? :)

    • Yes they do! Especially if you take a fair amount, e.g. just apply thinly or remove excess with a small piece of paper. The creamier the lips, the more it "slides around" on the lip and smears itself on the glass when you drink, etc. Can make a post about it soon :)

  2. Hi - lying here and feeling colorless :( is sick! Then it's invigorating to read your blog and I'm waiting for the package from your shop oxå. Hope to be better soon so I can spruce up! :) mvh Marita

    • Sad to hear! You can take the opportunity to absorb a lot of inspiration for so long, it's extra fun to get well later :) Your package was sent yesterday and will arrive at the beginning of next week, hope you like everything! :) Get on you, hug, hug!

      • Thanks! You're too cute :) I'll probably be happy. Have nothing to complain about so far. Nice welcome and good service and all nice products with so good prices. Can't get any better :) thanks and hugs!

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