Probiotics, Prebiotics & Lactic Acid Bacteria


Today I thought I would hear and be amazed to go through Probiotics, Prebiotics & Lactic Acid Bacteria and what they are good for! Because of all my sore throats, I have done a lot of research on health, diet, vitamins, etc. and when I talk to customers and acquaintances about this, I notice that many are interested.

That's why I thought, why not blog about it! :)

Those of you who have followed me for a long time know that I have problems with sore throats, or whatever it is, it has shown streptococci only once (of many tests). I get a high fever (39.4 is my usual) type 10-11 times a year. Swollen tonsils and lymph nodes. I have had the problems for 2.5 years now!

Now the post is not mainly about the immune system and throat problems, but the body is a system that is connected. You need balance. Not least in the stomach !!

I have thought that I will make a few more posts about diet and health, so I hope you will appreciate these :)

Probiotics, Prebiotics & Lactic Acid Bacteria

Click on the links in the table of contents below to jump to the desired part of the post:

  1. What are the differences between Probiotics and Prebiotics?
  2. What is Probiotics?
  3. Can you take Antibiotics and Probiotics at the same time?
  4. Are there any risks or side effects with Probiotics?
  5. Where can I buy Probiotics?
  6. How do I take Probiotics?
  7. What are Prebiotics?
  8. How do I take Prebiotics?
  9. What are Lactic Acid Bacteria?
  10. What is the difference between Probiotics and Lactic Acid Bacteria?

recurrent sore throat fever immune system

A feverish little Helena here who tries to keep the joy of life up :) Haha this was not really meant for the public but I offer it!

What are the differences between Probiotics and Prebiotics?

Probiotics are good bacteria for the stomach and intestines that help you have a healthy digestive system. Prebiotics is plant fiber that acts as food for the good bacteria. So, simply put, probiotics are the bacterium itself and prebiotics are the food that the bacterium eats. Prebiotics thus stimulate the growth of the already existing good bacteria.

So, if you eat prebiotics, you feed the probiotic bacteria and they will be very happy and multiply :)

What is Probiotics?

Probiotics are live bacteria and yeast that are good for the stomach, intestines and body, especially for your digestive system. Bacteria are commonly thought to cause disease. But your body is full of bacteria, both good and bad. Probiotics are often called "good", "good" or "helpful" bacteria because they help keep the stomach and intestines healthy.

Probiotics have been shown to be effective in the prevention and treatment of disorders involving the gastrointestinal tract.

Can you take Antibiotics and Probiotics at the same time?

I have taken two courses of antibiotics for sore throats but it does not help. However, antibiotics are very bad for the intestinal bacteria.

It is therefore extra important to top up with Probiotics when taking antibiotics, as antibiotics not only attack the bad bacteria but also the beneficial and helpful bacteria. However, you should wait to replenish with good bacteria until after an Antibiotic treatment. Otherwise, you only risk killing the bacteria you fill up with, a bit like throwing money in the lake.

If you take Probiotics as a dietary supplement, remember to choose one with several different types of bacterial species to get a great variety. An excess of a bacterial species creates an imbalance in the bacterial flora and can cause problems for the stomach and intestines.

Should you take probiotics with a meal?

Yes! And I'm very happy about that because I never remember tablets if you have to eat them between meals. Like for example. that stupid antibiotic, I had to sound the alarm three times a day!

Why? If you take Probiotics as a dietary supplement and eat it with a meal, the bacteria have a better chance of surviving the way down to the intestines :)

probiotics, prebiotics, lactic acid bacteria, food

I also drink an effervescent tablet with vitamin C and Zinc, which is also for the immune system. And it has such a nice color too, I was completely unreasonably happy about it haha!

You may think I chose a fine glass for the picture but I always drink from it. These are real crystal glasses that my parents received as a wedding gift. But I use them as my regular water glasses every day. Things should not be in the cupboard, they should be used! :)

Are there any risks or side effects with Probiotics?

I myself have never experienced any problems at all, either from supplements or when I have eaten foods that contain more of the good bacteria. However, you may initially experience stomach upset, gas, diarrhea or bloating, these symptoms usually disappear after the body gets used to the new bacterium. If you have serious health conditions, you may have a greater risk of problems. But a tip if you are not used to eating something to test yourself. Hurry slowly! :)

Where can I buy Probiotics?

To buy Probiotics that are found in foods, regular grocery stores such as e.g. Ica or Coop. If you want to buy supplements of Probiotics or Lactic Acid Bacteria, you can usually find these in Life & Dietary Supplements stores, and they are available both online and as physical stores. Probiotics are certainly available at the pharmacy too! :)

How do I take Probiotics?

The best way to get Probiotics is from supplements and foods, Greek yogurt is an easy way to get very good bacteria. Below you have a list of some common foods that contain good bacteria.

6 Foods Containing Probiotics:
  • Some cheeses, e.g. cheddar, cottage cheese & mozzarella
  • Miso soup
  • Oliver
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Fermented food
  • Yogurt & fil

Not completely crazy stuff even for me as a picky soul. Dark chocolate and mozzarella I can live with absolutely;) Oliver is my worst, uuuh * shudders *.

Best probiotics on the market?

Right now I use Holistic LactoVitalis Pro, these work very well for me and I have not experienced any problems. They also contain at least 20 billion bacteria in 12 different strains. One jar contains 30 vegetable capsules, so they last a month if you take one a day.

I do not know if they are the best Probiotic tablets / supplements or not, but they have received many good reviews and been on the market for a long time. :)

What are Prebiotics?

Prebiotics are complex carbohydrates (fiber and starch) that the body cannot digest. They act as food for bacteria and other beneficial organisms in the gut.

Prebiotics help you get a healthy gut, which provides better digestive health, fewer antibiotic-related health problems and acts as food for the Probiotic bacteria.

How do I take Prebiotics?

The best way to get Prebiotics is from supplements and foods, below you have a list of some common foods that contain Prebiotics.

6 Foods Containing Prebiotics:
  • Walnuts
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Onion
  • Artichoke
  • Asparagus
  • Broccoli

Here's just good stuff! A little picky about artichokes, it depends a bit on how I eat it.

But still good I think! I like fruit and vegetables, but when people talk about the "healthiest", there are always things I do not like. Ginger, honey, figs and stuff.

What are Lactic Acid Bacteria?

Lactic acid bacteria is a collective name for all microorganisms that form lactic acid when they break down sugar in our food. Lactic acid bacteria have been used to preserve food such as sauerkraut and herring and in dairy products to make yoghurt and filet.

When I was little, my grandmother made a new pile of old files. You were never allowed to eat the last one because it would kind of multiply. It is the lactic acid bacteria that do it! :)

They also occur naturally in all our bodies. Lactic acid bacteria help keep our stomachs in balance and protect us from unwanted bacteria, and are part of our normal intestinal flora. Since the food we eat today does not contain as much lactic acid bacteria anymore, we should think extra about getting in us things that contain lactic acid bacteria.

What is the difference between Probiotics and Lactic Acid Bacteria?

There are several different lactic acid bacteria such as Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Bifidobacterium animalis and Streptococcus thermophilus. However, not all are classified as Probiotics. Lactic acid bacteria are divided into species, strains, genera and families. Different strains of a bacterium may have different properties and that is why they must be distinguished.

While Probiotics is a collective name for all good bacteria that have shown positive health effects in clinical studies. Most probiotic varieties are lactic acid bacteria, but not all.

If you are going to simplify it for us beginners, then you can say that probiotics and lactic acid bacteria are kind of the same thing. But not really.

probiotics immune system

The probiotics I eat also contain folic acid, vitamin D and vitamin b12 to boost the immune system. Not so very high percentage though.

I focus partly on the balance in the body but also a lot for the immune system, to help the lymphatic system. It's a little too early to say if it works or not. I have had two throat episodes after I started with all these things and they did not break out properly but stopped at "feelings" and then it disappeared. But I do not know what it would have been like without the supplements, it may have been a coincidence too :)

But I can keep you updated!


To increase the number of good bacteria in the stomach and intestines, remember to eat more of the good! Fruits & vegetables, root vegetables, nuts and berries, natural yogurt or filet. Variety is the best! Do not forget dark chocolate;) It is so good and one small box per day is enough to give more health benefits, the darker the better!

Food Pharmacy have written a lot about, among other things, anti-inflammatory diet and good food for the stomach, gastrointestinal bacteria, etc., they also have a lot of recipes for healthy food! Check out their page or read the book if you want to delve deeper into the subject! Can highly recommend them and their recipes! :)

This post is of course quite comprehensive on the subject and there is a lot more to write about, but the post would be far too long and boring then. If you have your own experiences and tips to share, you are very welcome to do so, I'm just happy!

Hugs are ♥

Also read my other posts about vitamins, one about Vitamin C and the other about Vitamin D.

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