Lubricate your feet


It will not be until the feet that have been trapped all winter will burn into lighter shoes and sandals and appear more public, it is already the middle of May and the summer is not far away! :)

And when that day comes, the first flip-flop week, many will panic a little and think "what do my feet really look like ?!". Dry cuticles and chapped heels are probably more common than unusual.


Throws in a suitable picture from a makeup job I did for Skanshage Sweden before :) There were face pictures on the models too if you are wondering haha.

I have started summer-caring for my feet already now, and I just want to remind you of that too, because it takes a little time to get on them :) And it does not have to take that long either if you start on time, the best is of course a foot bath and the whole choir, but to do this short routine a little more often instead does not take many minutes extra:

Shower / bathe as usual, and when your feet are warmed up properly, you can focus on them.

2. Use a foot file and scrub lightly on the heels, and possibly. in other areas of the feet if necessary.

3. Put up the cuticles and remove excess skin from them, it usually goes easily after the shower when they are soft. There are special tools for putting up the cuticles with, if you have one, it's great! I know, however, that many of you will not be able to buy one now just for that matter, so you can take an ice cream stick or a spoon or similar, and wrap it in a little cotton so that it does not get too sharp against the cuticles. Works too!

4. Lubricate your feet with oil! Oil is magic for the feet and I prefer it a thousand times over oily foot creams and the like. After the shower when the feet are soft, it absorbs the oil super well. Heels and such areas under the feet should be lubricated just when you go to sleep so that you do not go and oil the entire floor. But I try to lubricate the cuticles both morning and evening.


I am addicted to Infinatura Cura Oil (works for everything, body, nails and hair!) It is organic and consists of 8 different natural oils.

Huuur good anyway, I also use it for wounds, burned myself with the straightener on my neck this week and it healed super fast thanks to the oil :)


In other words, scrub your feet a little extra in the shower and on with a mega oil afterwards you will have much softer and finer feet before the wonderful summer heat comes :)

Hug ♥

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