Spring make-up step by step (Green eye shadow)

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Today I am inspired by the nice weather outside and feel the spring feelings creeping up in my legs, wonderful! :)

Therefore, it was a happy make-up today with clear and super nice colors!

Lip-gloss, Benecos Natural Lip Gloss (Rose Garden)

I have used this eyeshadow palette with 180 different eye shadows!

1. Green eye shadow deepest on the eyelid (Nanshy Tapered Crease Brush)
2. Light blue eye shadow at the end of the eyelid and along the globe line (same brush)
3. Fade the edges with Nanshy Blending Eyeshadow Brush.
4. Yellow eye shadow In the corner of the eye (Nanshy Pencil Brush)
5. Light eye shadow in the corner of the eye, the middle of the lower lash line and in the middle of the eyelid (same brush)
Blue eye shadow over the bottom of the lower lash line (same brush)
7. Black mascara on the lashes, Oriflame Wonderlash Mascara.
Blue mascara on the lower lashes, IsaDora Precision Mascara (15 Flashy Blue)

Hope you have a wonderful Friday! ♥

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