Yves Rocher Nagellack


Now I have tested the durability of Yves Rocher's new nail polish Gel Effect Lacquer (which I showed in this post) and I say two thumbs up!

I had the varnish for six days before I changed, and they were just as nice except for two very small scratches on the top of the right thumb and forefinger (the ones you use the most) and then a small crack in the left thumb that I brutally hit in a wall haha, otherwise they were still perfect :)

So I really recommend them!

Speaking of which, I received a press release home with some of Yves Rocher's new nail polish the other day, so at the same time I thought I would show them to you:


The paint with a dark lid is available in lots of nice colors! They are "ordinary" nail polish that gives a nice shine.


And here you see the gel effect varnish I have at home, 5 classic colors and a top coat.

IMG_5461_111And here are top and bottom varnishes that have white corks.

Yves Rocher's products are available to buy online, and for every order they plant a tree! Shop for nail polish (and lots more) Yvesrocher.se * :)

Hope you have a wonderful start to the week! ♥

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