Colored face primer - glo Tinted Primer SPF 30


A novelty that I can finally show you is the colored face primer Tinted Primer Spf 30 from glo Skin Beauty which you can buy in my webshop! :)

What is glo Tinted Primer spf 30?
A colored face primer that provides light coverage while it evens out the skin's structure, so you get both a smoother skin and a smoother skin tone. The result is a velvety complexion and "my skin but better" effect. Use alone or under foundation.

What I also like is that it becomes matte, so not dry-matte but it contains no luster. And it holds great on the skin! It is not absorbent or developed for just oily skin but fits very well on me who is very oily.

The sunscreen and paint come from pure minerals.

Skin types
It suits all skin types, is neither absorbent for oily skin nor moisturizing for dry skin, but only neutral.

Several products in the same
I love the primer as a complement to my other base make-up, but above all I think many will like it as a multi-product. If you do not want so much coverage, this is enough, instead of primer - light-covering foundation - powder, you only need this product to achieve the same result, which is smoother skin (which primer is for), smoother skin tone ( which foundation is for) and a matte and durable result (which powder is for). That it also has spf 30 is another bonus!

Massage in with clean fingers, it is super quick and easy! If you want more make-up, apply a thin layer, but if you have the primer all alone but want a little more coverage, you can apply a little thicker layer without it becoming unnatural or cakey.

Here you see before and after!

Good summer product!
1. It has sun protection factor 30
2. It has so little coverage that you can easily have it when you want to be completely unmade up otherwise without it looking strange. I dye lashes and eyebrows and then I lubricate with this and you feel super fresh!
3. Many people become naturally shiny in the summer because you get oily on the skin or hot overall, and then it is nice with a matte product! If you want more glow, you can easily add it with higlighter and glow mist (shows it further down in the post)
4. If you want to look a little browner, you can get away with a bit darker shade than you really are because it blends in so naturally and adapts very well to your own skin tone. In the before and after picture above, I have the shade Medium which is too dark but the end result still looks great even in reality.

I will talk about the shades and show more pictures further down, also on the shade Light that suits my skin tone :)

Why coverage in a face primer?
The coverage is weak when compared to a foundation, more like a colored day cream I would say. This means that you can have less foundation (you know that I advocate thin layers of more products than a thick layer of the same), which is extra nice if you, like me, often use mineral foundation. With this primer under your mineral foundation, you do not have to work much with the brush at all to get a perfect result.

Another plus on the edge of the packaging - a tube! Hallelujah! I love tubes, hygienic, practical and you can easily squeeze out the last.

The primer comes in four shades, because the coverage is weak, so you choose based on how light / dark skin tone you have. For example, I can have both Light and Medium, even though solid medium is actually much, much darker than my skin tone if you compare a whole click. I then look a little more tanned than I am, but the result is still natural.

Here you see the four shades Fair, Light, Medium and Dark. As I said, it does not have to be a perfect match as with foundation, but go by how light / dark skin tone you just have.

I wrote above that you can use the primer alone or under foundation. And if you use it without foundation, you can either be completely finished like that or you can supplement with eg concealer, blush, etc. and I thought I would show you step by step now!

This is how my skin looks completely without makeup.

Tinted primer all over the face applied with hands, thin layer. As you can see, it gives quite a bit of coverage, but that together with the skin becoming smoother makes the whole whole look much smoother even though it shines through bumps.

Here I have the shade Medium which makes the skin tone a little darker and warmer.

2. The concealer Pixi Pat Away Concealing Base (1 Cream) under the eyes, next to the nose and on blemishes and spots I want more coverage on the face. It is a lighter shade so I get both coverage and lightening.

And then it looks like this later!

And after the highlighter Pixi Glow-Y-Powder (London Luster) and blush Blush (35) so the result looks like this! Natural, glowy and at the same time a very even skin and skin tone. I have also sprayed with Pixi Makeup Fixing Mist but if you want even more glow, you can use Pixi Glow Mist instead, it's so good!

So it turned out as I wrote earlier - the primer is matte but you can easily add glow yourself!

And here you see the difference between having only primer and then adding enlightening concealer, blush and highlighter.

Had I wanted more coverage (which I sometimes want) I would have personally supplemented with the mineral foundation glo Pressed Base Foundation. It takes then superlite of it which is very nice! But you can also use any other foundation of course.

Thicker layers?
In the pictures above, I put a thin layer of primer, but as I wrote, you can apply a little thicker if you do not have foundation over, and I have fixed a before and after picture on it too! And then I have the shade Light:

It is still not one thick stock of course but a little more so you get quite a lot more coverage! But it is still not so much coverage that you feel that you need a lot of blush and stuff to not look like a ghost, but it will still be a little more "unmade up" result.

I think I have managed to squeeze in all the info I have about this Tinted Primer now! I really think it's awesome! :)

You can click the primer home in the webshop here!

Shout out if you have any questions ♥

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