Rescue Failed Eyelash Permanent (Lash Lift)

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Today Jeanette had an eyelash client that I could not help but take before and after pictures of. Partly to show you that it is possible to save a failed eyelash permanent if you should happen to it somewhere (hopefully not), but also so that you can see that it matters a lot whether you go to a salon with control or not. It is very important to go to a salon that you can trust!

This customer has long and rather coarse lashes, and had them permanently at another salon in Uppsala. And since they are quite rough, the person at that salon had decided to let the liquid work for 30 minutes. I do not know how long the exact liquid they use should work but I understood that it was quite far over the effect time, we let our liquid work for 6 minutes.

The result was a permanent eyelash that was crazy too much! They were almost glued to the eyelid, rubbed in the globe line (!) So that the skin on the eyes was irritated. It had been even worse the days after, she said, but it was far from nice now either.

Here you see a close-up of what the lashes on the worst eye looked like when she came here:

Rescue Failed Eyelash Permanent (Lash Lift)

The lashes were almost glued to the eyelid!

Here is the result after a new permanent:

Rescue Failed Eyelash Permanent (Lash Lift)

Jeanette started by permanently replacing them, and placing them on a very thick coil so that they "came out" a little from the eyelids.

Then she actually had to sit with Hårologi Intensive Cure which is a hair wrap with amino acids that repairs the hair by adding proteins and repairing the sulfur bonds in the hair. Almost like an olaplex treatment. I did not see the lashes before the wrap but both the customer and Jeanette said that they actually got even better after the wrap!

Permanent eyelash does not wear on the lashes, as it is done once and then lasts until it grows away (which takes about 2 months). Not like when you permanent the hair and then that hair should sit for maybe 8 years after. But it is a bit dehydrating for the lashes if you do it several times, and after a 30 minute treatment just a few weeks earlier, it is probably absolutely noticeable on the quality of the lashes after you have run another round.

She brought a small jar of packaging home too, and so she bought it with her Refectocil Long Lash Gel which is like a caring wrap (and transparent mascara) that she can wear all day.

Rescue Failed Eyelash Permanent (Lash Lift)

Really difference right? :) It would of course have been an even better result if she had come to us with completely impermanent lashes, but absolutely thinks that this result is super nice! She does not need mascara if you say so :)

Shout out if you have any questions ♥

Also read: LashLift - All About Lash Lift (Great Guide)


  1. Hey! I have a question, I have a friend who recently had his lashes permanently with a beginner. Some of her lashes are now a bit crooked / crispy at the edge.
    What can be done about it? Brush on with something or something else?
    Regards Amanda

    • Hey!
      1. Moisturize as much as possible, e.g. with Refectocil Styling Gel (formerly called long lash gel) she can have it instead of mascara during the day, it nourishes and strengthens the lash. Then she can also do "wrapping" on the fringe with e.g. a natural oil or the like. It works with hair wrapping, but you should then be aware that it is not tested to have around the eyes so it is a bit "at your own risk".

      2. Try not to dry out the lashes more unnecessarily, e.g. Use an oil-based makeup remover and remove as much makeup as possible before washing your face with water. Then she does not need to use as much water on her eyes, water is dehydrating.

      3. The above tips may help a little but most of all just wait until it grows away. How much caring products help depends a bit on why the lashes are crooked, sometimes they become crispy because they are sensitive and the duration of action has been too long. But if it is a beginner who has not glued them straight and it is because they are crooked, then it is probably just a matter of waiting out.

      Making a new permanent is not recommended on most lashes, then they can become drier.

      Good luck! :)

  2. Thank you so much Helena, for your answer! I have light eyelashes, but color them (so the new ones that grow out are light until I color them again). But I always want to wear mascara if I still have to fix it for myself. I always manage to smudge with the mascara and when it occasionally flows from the eyes, it smells even more, both the mascara and the eyeliner. Maybe not permanent is something for my eyes - but if I could get it, why not!

    Thanks again for the reply,
    Have a good one,
    Mvh Sophie

  3. Hello.
    I wonder if there is a method with this, which you can actually do yourself? Or are you in need of specific funds etc that only salons "can get"? The reason why I even think about doing it myself, is because I usually try some things. Not everything will be bad results either! But of course I want to go to a salon, but do not live in Stockholm and therefore it is difficult to go to your particular salon. (Maybe there are similar ones here, but you seem to know your stuff).

    Would you be able, if you have not already done so,
    explain the pros and cons of this method? The benefits seem very good anyway. Have you said any price here on the blog?


    • Hey! It should probably be possible to get hold of even as a private person, do not really know where though and we have glue + permanent from two different brands as well. It's a bit tricky but it can be done on yourself, know that Jeanette has tested on herself at some point and Annika also did on herself before :) The disadvantages are that if it does not turn out well (important to paste the lashes super nice too that's how they will look later) so it's awkward to correct without the lashes drying out, which they easily become if you do more times too close. But if you get a successful permanent, the only disadvantages in my opinion are that in the beginning it is a bit difficult to paint mascara, they are so curved so you have to be so careful with the mascara brush so that it does not smudge on the eyelid, and also that when it has been 2 months and some curved lashes are left, so you have to bend with pliers to get the mascara nice because some lashes are straight and some curved. We charge SEK 695 for permanent, and SEK 795 if you want to both permanent and color them, which most people want so that they become carbon black as well :) But if you are used to doing things on your own, then maybe you choose to color at home instead or so;) Get in touch if you have more questions!

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